Pennsylvania is fucked now
GOP staffers killed , more cops getting shot , its like somebody called the gangs and said " GO "
FAUX socialist progressive news now laid bare for all normies to see, this is being talked about all over the place.
Never interrupt the enemy when they are fucking up royally
soooooo….. 3 days after election PA will " Find " truckloads of ballots that were misplaced and can still be counted, no postmarks needed.
Can you hear them being printed already ?
POTUS wants people to know history :
Battle of Athens Tennessee, 1947
Vote fraud stopped by Vets.
POTUS should deploy MIL poll watchers into high crime Philly - P'burg districts
Crooked pols who tried vote scam always remind anon of Boss Hogg
as true as CNN ' scud missile incoming '
Due to the " Emergency " of Covid - 19 , citizens have no duty to obey decisions by courts that enable fraudulent voting.
Fuckit , just make up rules like ' they ' do.
doubt Q has the answer
Mark Levin on 9-15 show raised many questions about possible outcomes and challenges. Levin is usually annoying but I found that worthwhile