>Thoughts about Ruble?
>2 ip breadshitter filter. All comfy now, time to rig for red and drop red pills without saying Q
kmao No more "muh Q sent me", twatfags!
>So the commies cancelled their little 'White House Siege'
I wouldn't let my guard down w/these liddle swarmy bastards!
>Ultimately, the Federation controls all of this. Is there a chance of not being obliterated by them, after this is over? We are the fifth. Its a matrix, and this is a game. Will the people of Earth ever be truly free? Or, only when our time is up here?
oh for fuck's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh
you shills are earning your coins today! ffs
>Q is insinuating that Donald Trump might be the 1st Woman Us President…
see reply here
it applies to your ignorant ass as well!
>dumbest shill attempt ever
they've been crawling out of the wookwork all day, like creeping liddle bugs!
>I mean if Michelle Obama is a man… Maybe so is Melania?
>Rig for red is a command given to switch from interior white lighting to interior red lighting in a submarine or surface vessel, possibly in preparation for surface combat at night.
stealth mode…