Anonymous ID: 34eccc Sept. 17, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.10687621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7683 >>8106 >>8151

Opinion I Am Not a Brave Person. I Am Also Patient 1133.


Never did I expect to have a calling. Then came the pandemic.

By Molly Jong-Fast


"I am Patient 1133.

I’ve never been in a medical trial before and I never wanted to be. As someone who suffers from pretty significant anxiety about my health, I am, in theory, the last person who should ever do any medical trial at all, and, on the way up to the hospital, this thought occurred to me numerous times. But on Tuesday, Sept. 8, I did it anyway. I drove up to Yale New Haven Hospital to get my first of two doses of the experimental Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.


I am a normal, un-brave person. I am also a part of history now, part of a small group that may be protected from the deadly virus, or who may not be, but whose experience will have something to teach others. I no longer feel I’m simply waiting around to get sick.


At a time of tremendous uncertainty, perhaps more than I’ve ever lived through, I highly recommend a small dose of agency. Normal will come back a lot faster if Americans take the chance and stick their arms out for science. Ask not what your country can do for you but what vaccine trial you can enroll in."



Anonymous ID: 34eccc Sept. 17, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.10688134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Patriot Anons, this Canadian wants you to know that the war we've been fighting, while not "boots on the ground", has >been the greatest honor of my lifetime.


>You and I have had a rendezvous with Destiny, and Its been a privilege working with your for the digs, memes, keks, >truths and proofs. WWG1WGA! God bless you all.




God Bless