baker…NOTABLE… cabal disrupted feed of Trump Rally during Pledge of Allegiance so that the words 'UNDER GOD' were not heard
I witnessed this also during RSBN feed
baker…NOTABLE… cabal disrupted feed of Trump Rally during Pledge of Allegiance so that the words 'UNDER GOD' were not heard
I witnessed this also during RSBN feed
>Youtube just cut the audio of the RSBN stream at Trump’s rally when the speaker was saying “under God during the pledge of allegiance!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^lots of witnesses
biden cnn townhall started….warriors~
love Tucker's emphasis when he makes a point.
it was weird in that there were no glitches before or after …just at that one moment..
and it was kind of a long one , too. imho.
>RSBN made a mistake (new cameraman) regarding the Pledge audio being cut. I for one say we forgive them
you got sauce for this?
prayers anon.