>>10686860 <<<< Old past bread - Boss, 6 of the pillars are in place. Number 7 is the question. You good?
>>10688435 <<<< Bannon
>>10688444 <<<< 10 flags
>>10688508 <<<< 10 flags = 5.5
>>10688524 <<<< Chalk board of the 7 pillars
>>10688551 <<<< Markers
Patriot Anons
Hmmmm, I don't know
Q drop says Fifth pillar
Chalk board says 7 pillars
10 flags at POTUS rally today = 5.5 Loud & Clear COMMS
7/10 as in 7 + 10 = 17 wait what & today just happens to be the 17th
Today Q drop Rig for Red
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.
Is the flood of Truth about to be dumped for the world to see