the trouble with a broken mind where the reasoning is gone, and it morphs into a larp, but the person doesn't get that he's lost in a larp, is that the person seems 'insane'.
they are essentially walking around in a day dream.
they let themselve hypnotize themself into believing the fantasy that they make up in their head.
so for example you realize that the person who you dreamed about flying in and landing and morphing in the high branches, as an owl to a guy on a larp, is just part of a dream.
but the delusional person would say 'any minute now that owl is really going to land it will really be him'
and even if an owl lands and it doesn't turn into the manic from the canyon-lands (who you wuv, even though he's manic) you could still say 'oh, well, now that he saw me . . .'
there is always some new excuse as to why the thoughts don't manifest. the numerologically bent can zip along and bridge the distant concepts with islands of fantisiful speculation of a magical caliber, none of which is anything more than just lingquistic spewing of verbage.
they could hear a hinge squeek and claim it was an oracle.
it's a bit for some, they do it as part of an act. And some peopel really fall into this kind of delusive situatin where they really believe the little nit-pick voices and conjectures that burn in the mind trggered by repetivtive repeating of nonsense, or feasting on on nonsense.
by the age of 40 most people are way far past all that nonsense.
so can pray for you fleeting anjel to grown and heal.
lets all do that.
anjel, you're having an episode. Go back to bed!