Because the left vs right narrative is pure Kayfabe. There is no difference between them.
Gyno-babble. Newt could have proposed 'Smack A Bitch' Day replacing Mother's Day and they would have let him go. But Soros? That's a bridge too far.
Cucker Tarlson is faggot and always has been. Check out his wife. He's been spouting off about 'muh freedoms' for about 18 months now. If you climb into the wayback machine around 2003 you'll see him for what he really is;
CFR Sock Puppet
Concur. Be ice when debating clowns. Take emotion away from them and they loose on the merits of their arguments.
I'll say this for you. You possess persistence.
I think you're onto something here. If this angle gets pushed onto normie media it will trigger Joe to come out of the basement to defend the memory of poor sainted Beau. The verbal meltdown would seal the election. As if it's not already.
Such a coinkydink
Have you considered the possibility that all of those entities you mentioned are Clown financed control mechanisms that really don't care if the shareholders get hosed?
Beau is one of the best attack vectors to employ here. It's a mega-trigger for Joe. It WILL enduce the final meltdown.