>ain't clickin that shit nigga
Prefer colorfully descriptive over I know a secret click here.
>ain't clickin that shit nigga
Prefer colorfully descriptive over I know a secret click here.
Fighting back in Minnesota - voices being heard - local Dims caving
Getting even crazier out there.
Tucker hasn't mentioned anything about it yet.
And he knows we know he hasn't.
Who knows what the next move is.
I deebly admire Tucker Cronkite his rise to the top has been well earned has consistently shown erudite skills without sounding William Buckley condescending.
Dislikes: Dude Weed and all the quality time he got with Mommy that we didn't.
Q makes a dick post and then hollers at us for doing the same thing OR Q says drop the club attitude and start spreading the truth one lone anon voice at a time in huge numbers BUT mostly mouse c_ck.