Stay frosty, stay in prayer, much love, thanks for the report.
Odd thought; the Echo part of this is Hussein's Shadow Presidency echoing his actual presidency; a weak echo headed for a three alarm fire.
Stole billions of dollars under the High Speed Rail Browndoggle. An absolute heist of international proportions.
What does it profit a man to gain the entire world, but lose his soul?
Or what would a man take, in exchange for his soul?
That shows how tricky it is sometimes to display the clock but not have it block any of the logo.
POTUS can convene or dismiss Congress at his pleasure.
We don't; that is to say, both groups try to pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but the Jews denied the Son, and anyone who denies the Son, does not have the Father. And anyone who has the Son (Christians), has the Father too.
Those are fixes for two different problems.
Simply not the case. I'll go hunt something for ya next bread.