>you got to be kidding me, these are the same pictures they always show of Jupiter.
What's tineye say?
>you got to be kidding me, these are the same pictures they always show of Jupiter.
What's tineye say?
This anon thinks Mickey is pointing to John Brennan on the 23rd. That will be 8 business days from the Q Post of the 13th.
SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
Did Kevin set his alarm?
The Mickey alarm clock 10[J] 2[B] 8[Days]
Look at all those Aussies collapsing from CovId-19 fevers all over that field. Oh wait, that's the man.
The Virus is a Hoax.
How many memorial services can they squeeze in between now and the election?
ya mon