I do not use Fuckerbergs farcebook, but noticed when other use it that it "TAGS" people in photos automatically. Little box around faces id them.
This was years ago…
Just sayin.
I do not use Fuckerbergs farcebook, but noticed when other use it that it "TAGS" people in photos automatically. Little box around faces id them.
This was years ago…
Just sayin.
Kikes angry…
Kikes angry about something we didn't do for them…
What else is new..
Oh yeah. the new part is they are going to get their asses handed to them by Russia -by proxy.
I remember CBTS era:
In Q Tel discussion…
A Company that FAKES DNA>
Not biological, but replicates a substance that can mimic your dna if they know your profile.
The dead hooker in your hotel room can be injected with the synthetic dna that matches yours, and viola- YOU will go to jail.
WHAT PURPOSE (other than described) would this fakery have?