Anonymous ID: 7ea4b7 Sept. 19, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.10709379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9429 >>9458 >>9522

Paul Furber


Interesting thread from self-professed Washington insider on RBG:

Anonymous ID: 7ea4b7 Sept. 19, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.10709758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9828 >>9957

Anons I’ve been thinking about “why now” with RBG and I’ve got a theory


Pretty much a lot of people Believe RBG was gone last year at least. Anons did the comparison of the old and new RBGs body after she came back (to life), so why would the Dems pull this now?


They are losing big time and nothing they do, gets them voters, even Schitts new whistleblower BS, smokes out in about 5 minutes.


Think about This, they had the most disastrous DNC Convention in the history of all time. Then President Trump and RNC does an awe inspiring convention. Dems knew they didn’t increase their base by that shambles of a bummer. After the DNC convention Dems felt like they were coming down from a really bad acid trip. According to the calls to C-Span and polls they lost a lot of lifelong Democrat voters.


Trumps got the highest amount of black and Hispanic voters of any republican in history, so they’re losing their victims voters to manipulate.


Trumps got a 45% approval rating from LBGT voters, this demographics could always be counted on by the Dems, but now they only have pedophile, perverts and no gender creatures on their platform.

This type doesn’t poll well.


They also the push the shit out of riots, killing, social destruction of our country, cities, people lives and fortunes. The Dems only laid off pushing it harder it was polling bad! Then they get caught changing the strategy for polls instead care for citizens. I could say so much more on this.


They light the West Coast on fire trying to bring up Climate change as a winning issue, that strategy made them a laughing stock but also obviously not caring for the people Again.


The block the second PPP program, and now it’s getting out even dem congressman are fighting with Nancy on that. Their “Sticking together” is crashing and burning.


So the Dems have tried every destructive thing possible to prevent Trump from winning, even planning civil war, so why RBG now?


Well the old gal POLLS well to stir up the crazies. They actually 187d her metaphorically to get the crazies do crazy, they will cause a civil war, but even more they will drag they’re bodies after rioting and destroying DC, through broken glass and with their dying breath vote for Biden! They will have a dying wish, defeat Trump and the Republicans.


The Dems could not get citizens to vote any other way, they had to “kill off” the Patron Saint of Evil!They figured this kind of rioting and sedition polls better than Antifa And BLM!And like the anon said last night, “so Soros is out of the news now”. Two birds with one stone.


I’ve thought is if a lot of these politicians or elite have clones, why haven’t they dragged out Nancy’s clone yet? After all, it’s obvious she’s losing it and her mind seems to be cracking worse everyday.


I’ve got a theory on that too.Nancy doesn’t like competition so she killed off her clone

Anonymous ID: 7ea4b7 Sept. 19, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.10709854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9922 >>9923

A Black Man warns BLM, don’t do this stuff To the American Patriots, remember villagers got fed up and kicked out the British


Great video someone post please