Your filenames are laughably bad.
>the virgin 'methodically re-names every file he downloads because he's a meme babby'
>the Chad 'has 20,000 files and finds what he's looking for when he finds it because he's a fucking memelord'
Normally I would've just left this conversation as was because it's pointless to continue with you, but ho-lee fuck there it is right on display for everyone to see.
>Dont plan in it.
Kek nonsensical broken Engrish response, CCP loser you suck so bad at what you do bye clown nigger lmao get dunked on chinky.
>"This could only happen in [x]"
You say that in every state though. I want to hear POTUS say "This can only happen in Guam" next for the lulz.
My immediate thought too, I can name 4 off the top of my head.
5 if you want to be autistic about it.
Thank God for TB hard drives.
More gruesome firing squad details pls.