Anonymous ID: d891f7 Sept. 19, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.10713508   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These evil bastards not only want to take our kids away from us, they also want to take our pets away too!


It’s all about destroying our mental health.


Scientists have urged those with coronavirus to self-isolate from their pets to avoid transmitting the infection.


A new study showed that cats and dogs can catch Covid-19 and even present with respiratory symptoms, The Telegraph reported.


As part of the research, which was unveiled at the ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease, blood works were taken from pets living with symptomatic or infected people during a two-week period.


It discovered that a "substantial proportion of pets” inhabiting Covid-19 positive households had antibodies for the strain


Professor Dorothee Bienzle, co-author of the study said infected people should isolate from animals as well as humans.


"There is sufficient evidence from multiple studies, including ours, to recommend that SARS-CoV-2 infected persons should isolate from people and animals," she said.