Bush the first using the SAME FUCKING WORDS as this pledge to the jews. BUT NO it must be him serving the nazis because he owned one share of stock that FUNDED THE NAZIS even though HITLER WAS A BILLIONAIRE LIKE TRUMP. Sure sure sure it makes sense (((they say))). He spends his entire life serving (((Israeli))) interests and wages war on lies for (((them))) but he is a nazi. Okay cool story bro. Pretty retarded theory.
What is (((Alex Jones))) doing right now?
Oh right…He is attacking Trump and pretending he knows nothing about QResearch.
Weird isn't it?
The same Alex Jones that brainwashes you with Holohoax bullshit just like the (((MSM))).
Everything is a lie to Alex Jones EXCEPT the Rothschild bullshit holohoax story. What a guy.
I hope you read this and took your head out of your ass and forgave it for being so fucking gullible and stupid. You are free if you read this correctly. God bless.