Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.10714909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4933

So your wondering just what exactly is the GREAT AWAKENING?

Go to Facebook and look for a group called Walkaway campaign.


The only ones that won't like this link is because it's on Facebook and they don't want you to see what the GREAT AWAKENING looks like to the normal every day person. They bash FB altogether because they don't want you to look and find this kind of information.


This group has over 400K members within it. Most of these people were demoncraps up until the past year or so.

Covid WAS a necessary evil…it help people to watch and see the demoncraps in action against the people, and they have switched parties because of this.


So like I said, the ONLY ones on this board to bad mouth this FB link are the ones TRYING their best to HIDE what the GREAK AWAKENING looks like to the normal everyday american.

Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.10715073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5098

1 of the many stories on


Adam Valastro

4 hrs ·

With everything going on in the world today, I want to share my story with you guys. This is especially for the people who are riding the fence, unsure of which direction to take. This will be a long read but the details are necessary for the purpose of this post.

If you met me today, you would probably never guess that 5 years ago, I was staring at the ceiling of a cheap, dirty motel room ceiling at 3AM, in a cold sweat, wondering how I got to this point and how I was going to get money for the next nights room. My family created an amazing life from the ashes of poverty and as a child, I never went without. I never had to rely on anything for myself, so I rarely did.

Yet, there I was. My truck had just been repo’d, I was $35k deep in revolving debt and I was at the tail end of a long term relationship that had brought my 3 year year old son into this world. I blamed everything and everyone for where I was at, except myself. I was a failure as a man, father, and friend. I just accepted that life had it out for me and there was nothing I could do to change that.

A couple of days later, while sitting at a red light in a borrowed car, I had the most life defining realization of my life. If it was everyone else’s fault that I was in this position, I wouldn’t be able to change anything. I was passing the responsibility off with excuses. If I took responsibility for it, suddenly I had something to change. No one was going to save me. I had to be the hero of my own story. That moment was the catalyst for who I am today.

Five years later, here I am typing out my story from my lake side dream house, married to the girl of my dreams. My son is excelling in school, the fridge is full and life is amazing. I started getting into long distance, endurance trail running and spent the last two years using that to raise awareness and to be an advocate for those suffering from chronic Lyme Disease. The thing is, I hate running and that brings me to the point of this story.

I’ve realized what truly separates the right from the left in the past few years is mindset. It is not about color, status, gender or preference like they want everyone to believe. The difference is that on the right, people want you to be accountable for your own life. The left side wants you to hold everyone else accountable for your life. As someone who’s been down both roads, trust me when I say, there will be people that try to take advantage of those going through it. The left knows exactly what they are doing. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They want you to believe that your life is the result of the greed and hatred from those who live “privledged” lives. They say that they will fix it by fighting to break that system down to the roots and they want your help to do it. Which might sound good at first but the reality is, they are trying to convince you that your problems are not your own. That my friends, is the catch. That’s how they keep you stuck in the same cycle, year after year. They want you to focus on things you can’t change, so that your life stays the same. And they will feed you breadcrumbs along the way to satisfy you while not changing the real issues.

Changing your life is not going to be easy. It’s hard to admit you’re at fault. You will want to quit, you’ll question your ability, and there will always be the temptation of falling back into what feels comfortable to you. But you can win and it only takes one thing to do it. Never, ever, stop. Once you see the growth that it brings to your life, you may even seek out adversity. That’s why I took up running even though I hate it.

Those that wouldnt know adversity if it slapped them will always say the same thing because their college professor told them so, “You have no idea what it’s like to be this or that and that makes you ignorant.” My response is always the same. Maybe you’re right but hell is hell. It doesn’t matter what you call it or how you got there. If you want to get out, the tools you need to use are universal. You either see adversity as an opportunity for personal growth or you see as an excuse for why life sucks. One is a way out, the other will keep you there.

I challenge you to break open your mind. Engage in meaningful conversation with practically anyone in this group. Question what you’ve been told to believe and make your best attempt to empathize. The people that have and do, are why this group exists and why it has become so powerful. It will change your life. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.10715149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5335

We grew up Democrats…because it’s all we knew! Now that we know! We’ve walked away from the Democrat party! I was never into politics and he was always in the street…he did 10 years in prison got out of prison a little after the bill was signed for prison reform! He’s been blessed!!! He came home a Donald Trump supporter and I was totally confused on why???! But then he questioned me and asked me…what is it you don’t like about Trump? I said a lot of what EVERYONE else around me said because honestly I didn’t have any factual information about the man! Well now I have enough facts to know WE WILL BE VOTING FOR DONALD TRUMP 2020!! Let’s make America great again!!! As a Black woman and black man. We have nothing to lose!!!


Please feel free to send more information about Trump because I still have so much I want to know! His background! What he’s actually done for America? And so much more? I have knowledge but not enough!


Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.10715178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5186 >>5210 >>5211 >>5215

My husband has always been a democrat his whole life. He is a union man so that’s what you did. I myself have not ever voted. Shame on me. But my eyes are wide open and what I see is such tragic events in the world that I’m blaming on the democrats. They are so desperate it scares me. The lies. The corrupt news channels…afitifa…Democratic state shut downs. It’s awful and why can’t people see this. It concerns me. My husband and I are voting Red and we are happy about it. We need to win this election if the democrats don’t rig it. Say prayers for Mr President. I don’t know how he does it with so much against him. Trump 2020🇱🇷🇱🇷. God bless America.

Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.10715198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9/11/12. I walked Away. My family is majority Democrat, so naturally I voted the same. When Obama was running for office I will never forget looking at my primaries ballot and reading the list of names to vote for, Barrack Hussain Obama who is that as chills run cold down my spine. I voted for some unknown(not Hillaryor Obama), because that was the 1st year I wanted to vote Republican. As I knew No way was I voting for Hillary. I remember the names she called Bills Rape victims. I watched Obama call his Grandmother a "typical old White Woman ", in shock, I listened as he told Bill O'Reilly " With my Muslim Faith". Everytime his name was said it gave me Holy Chills. I was not happy that Obama won in his 2 elections and felt my voice was invalid, but I NEVER said NOT MY PRESIDENT or rioted. Come 2016 and in comes Trump vs Hillary. Well No Way in hell was I going to be associated with the Democrat party. I FINALLY registered as Republican and would never look back. Hillary would NEVER get my vote after Benghazi! I have never Forgot our men the Obama Administration left to die and then made lies. Since I registered as a Republican I have been called a Racist, Supremacists, Sexual Predator Supporter, Clan White Supporter, and the names go on and on. I have been unfriended by friends and family for refusing to back down to the CNN mentality and refusing to be blind by all the lies. If seeing the truth, fine I will be part of the Basket of Deplorables, if that means Never forgetting 9/11/12 & 9/11/01. #WomenForTrump2020#TrumpTrain2020

Anonymous ID: 3d549c Sept. 19, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.10715250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5261 >>5280 >>5284 >>5298 >>5315 >>5352 >>5380 >>5391 >>5416 >>5434

Hello, this is my story. My name's Lila. I'm going to be 18 years old in October. I come from Cuba 🇨🇺. My country has been communist since 1959. I know what real Communism is. It's a LOT of suffering.

The reality is this: the salary is from 5 to 20$/month. Children get brainwashed at school and are told that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were real heroes and are almost considered like a god ("It's thanks to Fidel that you have education, healthcare and food"). Kids get milk cut at 7 years old. The government tells you what you can eat, how many and until when. Everyday, people have to wake up at 4 AM to go line up because the lines are loooooong and can take 10 hours (food). If someone talks badly about the government, they go to jail for a few years (it varies) (fine and/or jail). Even your neighbours can snitch on you and report it to the police, because the government will give them money. So yeah, no freedom of speech. That's why talking about politics in Cuba is a big taboo. Buildings and houses are falling apart because the government doesn't care about us. It has actually killed people. The police is with the government, so they attack those who oppose the government, the army too. There's this group of women called "Damas de blanco" which are against the government and protest pacifically. But as you can imagine, the police treat them horribly and punches/kicks them. You can even look it up. Lots of miinors go to prostitution to help their family because the money their parents gain isn't enough. A lot of tourists go to Cuba for sexual tourism and it includes kids, sadly. Cubans can't obviously get out of Cuba that easily, because of money. So generally, they try illegal ways. 1- Marry a foreigner and get out (this one isn't illegal, but it's kinda immoral). 2- Build a little boat, throw themselves into the ocean and try to get to Miami. The problem is they either drown or get eaten by a shark. 3- They go to Guyana (Cubans don't require VISA in Guyana), and then travel the whole South American continent until they arrive to the US. The problem there is that they can get killed. Also, no, the healthcare is trash. Doctors treat tourists like kings but they treat us like trash. Thank God my parents, sister and I made it out legally by years of big sacrifices. Now I live in Canada. When we came here, it was a whole new world! So yeah, we have to send our family toothpaste, shampoo, soap, medicine, food, clothes, shoes, schoolbags, school stuff, candies, phones, etc! Basic human rights are missing there. That's our reality.

When Obama was the president, we thought he was very nice. He seemed funny and loving. But then we saw that he holded hands with Raúl Castro (Fidel's brother) and hipocritically said that we would have freedom from now on. And made the US government and Cuban government start being friendly while we were suffering by a big dictatorship and lacking basic human rights. So from that moment, we said "No more Democrats, no Obama!". And then Trump came in 2016 and we saw an amazing thing. He cut friendship with the Cuban government and pressured them a lot. Also, he has good morals. That's why I can assure you that most Cubans living in the US will always vote for Trump. He did something! He helped us! He's a real president and he's not a hypocrite. We will always vote for freedom, Capitalism and Trump. I know I'm very young, but I consider these things very important. And sadly, most people my age are very ignorant and don't want to believe what others suffered. So that's why it's important to vote for Trump. Thanks for reading my story!




