>>10714527 lb
LIL was founded in 1900 at Guanajuato, Mexico
Of course the occult knowledge, and practices and the orders studying and using it go back a lot further even than Neoplatonism
For instance, I have discovered evidence that Adolf Hitler was a moonchild, conceived in a Babalon Working, before Aleister Crowley's time. Since Adolf's father was Crown Prince Albert Victor, that makes Adolf and Aleister cousins in the same bloodline. The Crown Prince got Adolf out of Mary Vetsera whose family visited England for the wedding jubilee of the Prince of Wales, the Crown Prince's father.
The mother's bloodline connects to Venice and the Ottoman Empire.
If the people in the shadows behind the NWO are not members of a Thelemic Order or group, then they are most certainly leveraging Thelema to get their ends realized.
And although some of them masquerade as Jews, they are obviously cousins in the bloodlines of Scandinavian monarchs.
The Cult of Con Artists probably began at the time of the Phoenician ancestors who traded from the Nile Valley up through the Black Sea/Caspian Sea and the rivers of Asia. Likely that was soon after the tidal waves and earthquakes from the Clovis impacts that destroyed Atlantean civilization and gave the survivors a fetish for using boats. It is likely that they only survived because they were on a boat, and were able to cling to its overturned hull until it went aground.