>Democrat people are ugly people.
>As a Black woman and black man. We have nothing to lose!!!
Welcome to the Trump train!
Buckle up, buttercup!
It's bumpy at times but always exciting!
'Poverty pimps' are the worst, they sell out their own communities for their own financial freedom!
Trump supporters don't care about the color of your skin or which God you worship or don't worship!
Trump supporters care about freedom and living the American dream WITHOUT the government's boot on our necks!
We care about 'live and let live'!
Feel and say anything, any way you want, and give me that same freedom!
We don't have to agree on every issue, we DO have to give each other the freedom to feel as you do! (we all experience life differently)
Trump supporters are the most inclusive, welcoming, loving group I've ever met!
Hold on for the ride, it IS glorious!
>I'm going to be 18 years old in October. I come from Cuba 🇨🇺. My country has been communist since 1959. I know what real Communism is. It's a LOT of suffering.
Come back in October, Lila…
good luck!
>This I think is Trump and Jfk jr on the day of Emergency Broadcast Network
Put the booze and drugs down and step away from the computer, idiot shill!