lots of data gets stuck for 8 years or more
think of all the 9/11 videos taken down
wow they are stupid
>>10714764 pb
He picked a great first wife/
She gave him really good children
lots of data gets stuck for 8 years or more
think of all the 9/11 videos taken down
wow they are stupid
>>10714764 pb
He picked a great first wife/
She gave him really good children
he was murdered after being harassed by the FBI
Apparently found a cache of CP at MIT Media Center, Negroponte brothers.
They threatened with super exaggerated charges and then he was hung near his front window in Brooklyn by an apparant assassinate squad who had been stalking him
One Negroponte bros. had been in charge of the assassinations squads in S. American for the facists, even got in legal trouble but was rehabilitated by W. Bush
A few weeks after he got a new job with the W. Bush admin. Gary Webb (journalist who covered the pushing of crack cocaine into the inner city of L.A. by the C-A/FBI) "committed suicide with two shots to the back of the head.
Similar to what they are doing to Assange yet I imagine Swartz lacked a dead-man'd switch.
The new management of Reddit are cannabals, at least the head guy is the admin on the Cannabal group there. And Ghislaine was there as a moderator for what 12 years?