Anonymous ID: 74c739 Sept. 19, 2020, 8:22 p.m. No.10716499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6560 >>6561

lb notable >>10716051 Tonight, Portlanders are encouraged to dim or turn off their lights for "Lights Out Portland." Light pollution can be harmful to humans, plants and other animals including the birds who are beginning their migration. Thanks @PortlandAudubon


anon theory- DS is trying to establih a deflective narrative to mask chatter and create plausible defenses for future anarchist marxists Ops/activities whereby they disrupt and sabotage the power grid prolly around election. Lib politicians, etal, are/will create this philanthropic decoy with audubon and other orgs (with good reps) using lights out xxxxxx initially and then antifa and other insurrectionists will comm with the same, making it harder to isolate with surveillance and potentially creating a legal defense for prior references with malicious meaning.

Anonymous ID: 74c739 Sept. 19, 2020, 8:41 p.m. No.10716658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they did all they could to deny potus the gop nom., then the inauguration, and then his powers as president.

he will wih to do the same to them, and the patriots who put him into office and prevented the rigged 2016 nom, and election, and impeachment will certainly support.


they broke all the rules and always have when they stole the country from the people. we will play by the rules they established, which means one thing only:

public support needs to be maintained, the DS always accomplished that (through msm control, and suppression of critics, and body counts) a they stole and sold out our Republic, so as they are held to account that is the only rule we will follow in a sense as constitutional powers, and other statutory powers of exec are very powerful against traitors and other enemy combatants.


Max Pain.

Enjoy the Show.

Anonymous ID: 74c739 Sept. 19, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.10716829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


in group think like an ant colony or beehive there exists no free will.

free will of homo sapiens requires choices and consequences as a learning process of development. It is biblically ordained by god, described as broadly knowledge of good v evil, a characteristic of higher life forms.

Modern liberalism is a reversion of free will and higher though processes whereby individual free will is dicouraged, behavior of higher life forms like rational though is restricted and animalistic behavior of lower life forms without free will is encouraged and rewarded.

They remove the humanity from people so they learn to only serve the group, such as an ant serving the colony or a bee serving the queen.

Therefore success and failure is predefined by the group and does not involve individual free will and free choice, that is viewed as self serving and facist behavior which impairs the group and its success.

As Q alludes to, you are sheep and farm animal to them, that is all, and it is very evident in the behavior of liberals today.

Picture what a farmer expects in terms of behavior of his livestock, and that is the tolerance the leftists strive for, beasts of burden who do not stray, and are valuable when serving their function, and expendable when not.


George Orwell wrote animal farm for a reason.

Anonymous ID: 74c739 Sept. 19, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.10717001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7015


there is a point which beyond they must not advance

we can not appease them, nor accomodate, we must fight and defeat them entirely.


Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope: Future in Perspective predicted when the Berlin Wall Fell, that Western Civilization would be destroyed. We are preventing its destruction and I understand now, but not entirely what he meant. Has to do with Hidden Rulers of Communism and Nazism, both Totalitarian Systems working together to infiltrate Western Civilization and destroy it from within. Infiltration noit Invasion.

Can you add anything to clarify?