CO 1MC Battle stations gun action. Deck gun only.
Gunnery officer XJA Battery aft, fill the ammunition train.
When ammunition train is filled, battery aft reports this fact to the gunnery officer.
Gunnery officer 7MC Gunnery officer ready.
CO 7MC Target is small sampan, bearing one two ze-ro, range fi-yiv oh double-oh.
CO 7MC Stand by for battle surface.
CO 7MC Open gun access hatch. Gun crew on deck.
CO 1JP Deck gun commence firing.
Gun captain Ready one. Fire one. Check fire.
Range fo-wer six double-oh. Scale fi-yiv eight. Resume fire.
CO 1JP Cease firing. Secure the deck gun. Clear the deck.
Last man down reports: "Gun access door shut."
CO 1MC Secure from battle stations