That's weird.
Can anyone just do this or is there a trick to it?
the only thing Comrade Kabbalah is going to fill is her own vagina with the spunk of her top donors.
ah. i only dabbled with tor when 8chan went down. never used it to post, just to peek in on my old frens.
ty. o7
She could me a M2F tranny. Look at the brow and how deep set her eyes are.
When Brennan takes his Ambien and sleeps at night, he dreams of bright lights and a gurney with squeaky wheels.
Exactly, Anon.
We are our own Saviors.
And We are our Brother's Keeper.
Q just brought us together, this beautiful Motley Crew.
No it isn't a literal bird.
The misspelling is interesting.
Instead of an EO we have an I
Could there be an Executive Order waiting in the wings?
Sadly, they have been programmed by Leftist entrenched in the MSM as well as academia.
People are no longer educated, they are indoctrinated.
It's why they're all the same. Like Stepford Wives with filthy mouths and bad personal hygiene.