ThanQ4 Bacon
(Amy B Like:)
A Long but incredibly important read
From Article on RedState
I think very important to think about
The ‘Whistleblower’ Who Told Tucker Carlson COVID-19 Is a Chinese Bioweapon May Be Playing a Very Devious Game
She did not seem to be least big worried she might be in mortal danger for accusing China of such a thing. To this author that would be because SHE was simply doing her job. (for the CCP)
What would be CCP GOAL? World domination by Destroying Economy through FAKE W.H.O propaganda posing as Science.
She comes out as whistleblower conveniently JUST AS the world is rebelling against the Lockdowns which are the real killer The CCP needs us to remain in FEAR and lockdown.
The important points
Think: Why did CCP release first indication of Viral Pneumonia NOT on Chinese outlets but in English?
Point: If you take away the Nursing home deaths - the deaths like jumping out of planes without chutes and motorcycle accidents etc
it was a Flu season that was completely unremarkable.
So…The REAL GOAL? To destroy the world economy through aLockdownengineered by Chinese /WHO gaslighting propaganda posing as SCIENCE.
TheLEFT in pocket of CCP
(think all big TECH companies) pushing social distancing and mask B.S.
The real goal to RUIN the world's economies
The Tucker virologist interview:
didn’t detect any sense from her interview with Carlson that this was a person who felt she was in any danger at all, let alone one living in hiding 24/7 knowing that at any minute she might be assassinated (Point)
CDC co-opted our scientists and academics to help push America into suicidal lockdown policies without a shred of scientific justification and directly pushed their toxic quack medicine on us themselves. (Point)
Chinese government directly tried to pressure local U.S. politicians into implementing lockdowns. (point) (source: FBI)
More than 50 NIH Scientists have been fired for cooperating with CCP
CCP tried to portray Sweden as weak for not making the disastrous mistake every other western country made by heeding China’s aggressive campaign for deadly policies that have never before been so much as even been suggested let alone implemented in all of history. (point)
using fake accounts to attack South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem for not adopting the suicidal policies (poinr)
The Chinese even sent hundreds of doctors to Italy who then pushed the Italians into locking down. (Point)
Virtually no one has considered that depriving the frail and elderly of all human companionship and leaving them with just the TV terrorizing them 24/7 about a virus that’s wiping out humanity and coming straight for them was bound to kill many already hanging on by just a slim thread. (Point)
If the Virus is so LETHAL ask WHY would CDC use mendacious fudging on death certificates to exaggerate numbers???? ANSWER - if it were real they wouldn't.
Instead FEAR is being used and intimidation and messing with exaggerating numbers and LYING.
the fact is that, though COVID-19 is at worse no deadlier than the flu, the Chinese Communist Party went to great lengths to convince us that we were facing an extraordinarily more deadly pathogen. And when she appeared with Tucker Carlson, Dr. Yan did exactly the same.
Her statements won’t in any way harm the CCP since so many biologists have come out against them. But she’s succeeding in getting a lot of people skeptical of the official narrative about the virus to keep believing the completely bogus CCP story that it’s deadly just when the idea that the lockdowns are really what’s been killing us is finally starting to be heard.
Sorry for long post anons.
But I think this is really important to look at - think about - spread around.
Thanks for listening. Won't slide.
OMG i'm laughing at everything now.