Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 19, 2020, 11:54 p.m. No.10718216   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Proclamation on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2020


Throughout our Nation’s history, America’s sons and daughters have heroically safeguarded our precious freedoms and defended the cause of liberty both at home and abroad. On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we remember the more than 500,000 prisoners of war who have endured incredible suffering and brutality under conditions of extraordinary privation, and the tens of thousands of our patriots who are still missing in action. Although our Nation will never be able to fully repay our debt to those who have given so much on our behalf, we commemorate their bravery and recommit to working for their long-suffering families who deserve answers and solace for their missing loved ones.


Today, I join a grateful Nation in honoring those POWs who faithfully served through extreme hardship and unimaginable physical and emotional trauma. Their lives and resilience reflect the best of the American Spirit, and their immeasurable sacrifices have ensured the blessings of freedom for future generations. On this day, we also reaffirm our unceasing global efforts to obtain the fullest possible accounting of our MIA personnel. The search, recovery, and repatriation of MIA remains help bring closure to families bearing the burden of the unresolved fate of their loved ones. That is why in 2018, I worked to secure the historic repatriation of remains from North Korea, and why we are continually working to bring more home from around the world. My Administration will never waver in fulfilling our country’s obligation to leave no service member behind.


This year, as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and reflect upon both the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War and the 45th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, we pause to recognize the men and women who were held as POWs or deemed MIA in these conflicts against repressive ideologies. These service members and civilians, many from the Greatest Generation, deserve a special place of honor in the hearts of all Americans because of their selfless devotion, unflinching courage, and unsurpassed dedication to our cherished American values.


On September 18, 2020, our Nation’s citizens will look to the iconic black and white flag as a powerful reminder of the service of America’s POWs and service members who have gone MIA. This flag, especially when flying high above our military installations abroad, conveys the powerful message of American devotion to the cause of human liberty and our commitment to never forget the brave Americans lost defending that liberty. On this National POW/MIA Recognition Day, our Nation takes a special moment to pay tribute to those who endured the horrors of enemy captivity and those lost in service to our country. Our Nation will continue to be resolute in our relentless pursuit of those remains of service members who have yet to return home from war and our steadfast promise to their families that their loved ones will never be forgotten.


NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 18, 2020, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Together with the people of the United States, I salute all American POWs who, in the presence of great dangers and uncertainties, valiantly honored their duty to this great country. Let this day also serve as a reminder for our Nation to strengthen our resolve to account for those who are still missing and provide their families long-sought answers. I call upon Federal, State, and local government officials and private organizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.



Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 19, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.10718249   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8318 >>8403 >>8433

Israel Moving Members Of Possible Ancient Lost Tribe Back From India


Thousands of years ago, the Bible spoke of the “ingathering of the exiles,” a time in the future when the Jews exiled from the ancient land of Israel would return to their native homeland. Roughly 2,700 years ago, after the Biblical land of Israel, which was comprised of 12 tribes, had become two kingdoms, Israel with 10 tribes in the north and Judah with two in the south, the Assyrian Empire exiled the ten tribes of the nation of Israel, known thereafter as the Ten Lost Tribes.

Now, the Israeli government is helping a group of hundreds of more people from Northern India who describe themselves as “Bnei Menashe,” meaning sons of Menashe (the tribe of Menashe was one of the ten lost tribes), to return to Israel.

Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:06 a.m. No.10718289   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8301

Police: App tells child to create child porn, threatens strangulation


Police in Anne Arundel County, Maryland say an app on a child's cell phone told a 5-year-old to take naked pictures in the bathtub and threatened the child with strangulation if the child didn't do as they were told.


Police received a call for help on September 16. Officers discovered the child had several questionable cell phone apps:


Talking Angela

Talking Angela 2

Talking Tom 2

Talking Ben 2


The apps told the child to take naked pictures while in the bathtub and to take pictures of siblings, as well, according to police.

Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:09 a.m. No.10718308   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8319 >>8403 >>8433

Woman becomes first healthcare cyberattack death after German hospital was forced to turn her away when hackers deactivated their computers


Woman died en route to another hospital after being turned away from first one

Dusseldorf's University Clinic couldn't admit her because its systems were down

The cause was a Sept. 10 cyberattack that the hospital is yet to recover from

If an investigation, launched Friday, leads to prosecution, this would be first confirmed case of someone dying as a consequence of a cyberattack

Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:14 a.m. No.10718330   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The Lost City of Z, and its Mysterious Connection to the Mighty Atlanteans


The most famous person to ever search for this lost city was a man called Percy Harrison Fawcett a renowned explorer who tried discovering the long-lost city thought to remain hidden somewhere in the Amazon jungle.


According to myths and legends, the lost City of Z would have been erected in very ancient times by the descendants of Atlantis. It is believed that the Atlanteans who survived the destruction of their home and escaped to a number of different regions on Earth, and some of them ended up in the Amazon, where they eventually settled down.


Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett was a British explorer who named the Lost City of Z in 1912 after finding an ancient document titled Manuscript 512, kept in the National Library of Brazil. It is believed that his conviction was fed in part due to the rediscovery of the lost city of Machu Picchu in 1911.


The document—Manuscript 512—is believed to have been authored by Portuguese Bandeirantes, João da Silva Guimarães, who allegedly discovered the ruins of a mighty ancient city, containing arches, statues, and temples covered in hieroglyphs, deep in the Amazonian Jungle in 1753. While Guimarães described the city in great detail, he failed to give off its location.


The enigmatic manuscript is completed with curious details, such as documenting the discovery of a bag of gold coins bearing the silhouette of an archer and a crown, or the reproduction of hieroglyphs copied from various corners of the city, which some say bare an uncanny similarity with Greek and Phoenician letters.

Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:20 a.m. No.10718364   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"If I play with those frequencies, right

I can target certain parts of the mind

If I want you to astral project

Do you know what astral projection is?

If I want you to go to sleep

If I want you to enter a meditative state

I can make my music do that."

Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:27 a.m. No.10718394   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8416

"Think of each now moment as a still frame of the entire universe much the same way you would think of a still frame that moves billions of frames per second between you the observer, thus creating a sense of continuity of space time or reality itself."



Anonymous ID: cd1e1f Sept. 20, 2020, 12:33 a.m. No.10718428   🗄️.is đź”—kun

A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously


Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr. Bradford Skow suggests that if we “look down” on the universe as if we were looking at a piece of paper, we would see time spanning all directions, exactly the same way that we see space at some point.


So what does this really mean? Well, this suggests that time as we know it is incorrect, in other words, it is not linear as we have always thought. In fact, everything around us is always present.


Dr. Skow is not the first scientist to question the way we all perceive time. In 1915, Einstein introduced a theory of unified space and time. In his general theory of relativity, he proposes that space-time takes shape in a multiple or continuous way. And that if viewed, you’ll see both as a four-dimensional vector space. And this vector is known as the “block theory.”