Don't you think it is more important that those on the fence Abstain rather than vote 'No?'
There can be six Reps that can abstain and Little Mike can still cast the tiebreaker.
Don't you think it is more important that those on the fence Abstain rather than vote 'No?'
There can be six Reps that can abstain and Little Mike can still cast the tiebreaker.
> A Serious Man
Waste of time. Gave up on 'Caesar' after about twenty minutes lately, too.
Have you seen Buster Scruggs yet? Great flick.
Pols like Crazy Nancy and Chuck just need to go the fuck away.
They are so self-absorbed that the legacies of their times in office will leave behind a Conservative court for a generation that both are willing to creat a Constitutional crisis to prevent it.
It's the same line of reasoning why I don't give a shit about a warped freak like RBG being dead.
Anon, the only thing that matters is RBG's seat.
All of that other shit is going to go away after Potus wins, too.
It's all about SCOTUS, it's all about right now.