The democrats are ramping up a civil war, I guess the globalists couldn't have an America with patriotism, they need to fuck up everything in their paths.
It wont be
So far absolutely nothing has been done for normal american conservatives. The evil child molesting, satanic ritual killing globalists are still running free. To add insult to injury, we are the ones labeled as bad, President Trump and the republicans are fucking blowing it. This is our one chance to fucking shine, they pass tax cuts, and start ww3 with russia. I am super dissapointed so far, However where else would a conservative go?.
You got 2 choices:,
(1) communism/ socialism with massive amounts of immigration from 3rd world hellholes
(2) The controlled opposition to global communism, the RINO. Both are headed in the same direction, one is just much faster than the other.