White House Mailed [Ricin] Letter = [Clown] Attempt to Contribute to Vote-By-Mail [CHAOS]?
Q has just confirmed one of the [DS] tactics coming up is:
Vote-By-Mail = CHAOS & Confusion.
…in order to paint narrative mail-in voting [when did narrative start (March?_early?_planned?)] needed to 'save' lives [+ballot harvesting] in order to generate a future narrative election day +1 which casts doubt as to legitimacy of POTUS win [Constitutional Crisis]["not all mail-in ballots counted" "how many mail-in ballots lost or did not arrive in key battleground states which could have returned a different result" "we must investigate who cast a vote but it did not register" "we must go door-to-door if needed [ballot harvest]" "our lives are at stake" "the sky is falling" in order to legally challenge, delay results, enact riots and chaos in an attempt to overturn [coup d'etat].
[Ricin] in mail to POTUS = Fear Factor etc.
Looking at this from the characteristic fingerprints of past [C_A 'spook' Ops.
Remember: IRAQ + WMD's?
(Global Research Apr 16, 2005) - from (Guardian Apr 14, 2005)
Ricin plot: London and Washington used plot to strengthen Iraq war push
We bring to the attention of our readers several related articles on the alleged ricin in January 2003, which was used by the British and US governments as a pretext to invade Iraq. The evidence suggests that the ricin threat was based on fabricated intelligence and was deliberately used as pretext for war. And those who relied on the ricin plot to justify the war are war criminals.
Ricin plot: London and Washington used plot to strengthen Iraq war push
by Richard Norton-Taylor
The Guardian 14 April 2005
Claims that a terrorist cell was planning a lethal ricin attack in Britain were used by the British and American governments in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.
Tony Blair, David Blunkett, then home secretary, and Britain’s most senior police officers, all seized on the arrests to emphasise the threat from what they called a new and highly dangerous kind of terrorist. To further press the case for war, politicians implied there was a clear link between Saddam Hussein, al-Qaida, and terrorists planning chemical or biological attacks on targets in the west, including London.
The ricin claims were seized on most strikingly by Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, in his dramatic but now discredited speech on Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction programme to the UN security council on February 5 2003, five weeks before the invasion.
Insisting “every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources”, Mr Powell spoke of a “sinister nexus between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist network”.
One moar factor of 'Injected Chaos'.