I used to do that all of the time. Studied journalism and would research and look for major breaking news articles, which I would fact check.
About 2 yrs ago, I started to see anons bitching about it. Even said it was coming from one poster, and Code Monkey knew their IP, ect.
They would post this copy/pasta bullshit meme over and over. So I gave up doing that.
I was accused of doing it to get Notables. So I stopped.
Maybe they were shills, but I didn't think so at the time. Got lots of flack for posting so much that wasn't considered "research "
I believe that is the one Q posted previously, no?
We are having problems posting pics this morning.
Some post, and some do not. No idea why.
(posting random pic to test)
(couldn't download vid)
POTUS RT'ed and Q?
How do we see when POTUS RT'ed this?
People said it was a fake account, but I followed for a few weeks, and the posts, some especially, did not seem to be coming from a person without some kind of insider knowledge.
I do too, and I got called out as the "red-text copy/pasta" anon back in 2018; claimed I was doing it to get Notables, which I was not. But I thought they didn't like it so I stopped.
I think I will go back to that. Beats sitting here skimming through most of the shill bullshit to find the good stuff.
>Any anytime my wrist gets a break from that mouse I thank you!
It is actually very hard on your wrists, and a lot of work to transfer articles here so they can be read here. I always fact-check articles I bring here too (got called out a lot in the beginning so I learned what NOT to post….)
They were saying CM knew who was doing it and had my IP….fuck 'em. I'm not goods at graphics or memes….this is what I always felt I was needed for here.