Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.10724005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4015 >>4115 >>4273 >>4533 >>4648 >>4669 >>4729

The FinCEN files: Dirty little secrets of the world's banks revealed in mass US government leak


Ian Taylor sells high-end jet skis from his four-bedroom waterfront townhouse in a quiet suburban cul-de-sac on the Gold Coast.

Key points:


A leak of highly secretive US Treasury documents reveals the world's banks alerted watchdogs to about $US2 trillion ($2.7 trillion) worth of suspicious transactions in seven years

The documents were obtained by Buzzfeed News and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists


Ian Taylor is just one of the Australians mentioned by name in the leaked suspicious activity reports


What the 43-year-old does not advertise is that his other source of income has come from setting up shell companies, which have been used by money launderers, arms dealers and Mexican drug cartels.


His business allowed customers to hide their true identity by providing nominee directors and shareholders to obscure who was really behind the shell company.


These directors and shareholders included his current and former wives, friends, associates and residents of tax-haven countries.


"Often the shell companies are used simply to open up bank accounts in other parts of the world," says Gerard Ryle, the director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).


What Mr Taylor did is not illegal, but some of the companies he helped set up, under the control of third parties, have been tied to crimes around the world.


"He's never been able to be stopped because he's never actually done anything illegal," Ryle says.


"There is a flaw in the system … he's driving a bulldozer through that flaw."


Mr Taylor is just one of the Australians mentioned in a leak of highly secret United States Treasury documents.

How banks help criminals get rich

Collage of money.


Background Briefing shows how terrorists and mobsters smuggle staggering sums of money through some of the world's largest banks — and often get away with it.

Read more


These documents reveal the world's biggest banks have defied money-laundering crackdowns by moving staggering sums of illicit cash for criminal networks and shadowy characters.


The leaked files show more than $US2 trillion ($2.7 trillion) in suspected dirty money moving through the global financial system.


That includes more than $200 million in transactions flowing through Australian banks.


The records show five global banks — JPMorgan, HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank and Bank of New York Mellon — kept profiting from powerful and dangerous players, even after US authorities fined these financial institutions for earlier failures to stem flows of dirty money.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.10724015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273 >>4533 >>4669 >>4729



"One would ask, 'Why is [Taya Burnett] on that company and what's she doing there?'" Mr Gamble says.


"And why is she still the director after the company has been involved in a very serious crime?"


"How can somebody be allowed to set up shell companies and sell them like hotdogs out of a stand at the back of a rock concert and yet not have responsibility for what those companies do?"


Mr Taylor was banned from being a director in the UK in 2015, after one of his companies was involved in a 3.2-million-pound ($5.7 million) land-sales scam where many investors lost their money.


In a phone call with the ABC, Mr Taylor declined to be interviewed but said he was no longer involved with shell companies and he was not aware his wife was the director of Advanced Global Markets Limited. Ms Burnett did not respond to questions.

AUSTRAC's heavy workload


A data analysis of the FinCEN files by the ICIJ found banks routinely processed transactions without knowing the ultimate source or destination of the money.


But the 2,100 suspicious activity reports in the leak represent less than 0.02 per cent of the more than 12 million suspicious activity reports that US financial institutions filed between 2011 and 2017.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.10724019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==White House building in Washington

Canadian Woman Suspected of Sending Ricin Package to Trump==


The Canadian national police force said that they have been cooperating with the FBI after it was discovered that the letters originated in Canada.


Intelligence officials suspect a Canadian woman of sending packages containing poison ricin to the White House, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).


A spokesperson for the RCMP said earlier that the initial information suggests that the letter originated in Canada and confirmed it was assisting the FBI in the investigation.


The identity of the suspect has not been released yet.


"Canadian law enforcement is working closely with their US counterparts. As this is an active investigation, we cannot comment further", said Mary-Liz Power, the chief spokeswoman for Canada's Minister of Public Safety Bill Blair.


On Saturday, law enforcement intercepted a "suspicious" envelope as it arrived at a government facility that screens mail addressed to the White House and President Trump. Two tests were conducted, confirming the presence of the deadly poison, media reported.


Federal agents, Secret Service, and US Postal Inspection Service are now trying to detect if any other poisonous packages were sent to public officials, but the FBI said that at the moment, there is no known threat to public safety.


This is not the first time a poisonous package has been sent to US officials: in 2018, a Navy veteran from Utah was charged with sending mailings containing ricin to President Trump and then-Defence Secretary James Mattis.

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.10724024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4050 >>4074

Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg’s Seat


Documentary filmmaker and hard-left activist Michael Moore has suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shut down the U.S. government to prevent President Trump from filling the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Moore spent most of his September 20 podcast urging leftists and Democrat voters to rise up and speak out to prevent President Trump from fulfilling his promise to pick a Supreme Court justice to fill Ginsburg’s seat on the nation’s highest court. As he wrapped up his hour-long podcast, Moore turned to Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and urged her to refuse to pass the government’s budget to prevent the U.S. Senate from “having the funds” to continue operating.


“You have to do something that the Republicans have been doing for decades,” Moore said, addressing the Speaker. “For the first time… you have to block the continuing resolution that funds the government and just let it shut down,” Moore said of the bill to fund the government that will soon be hitting the House floor for a vote.


“Shut the whole damn thing down. Shut the government down, so they do not have the funds to try to ram through this person they want to get on the Supreme Court before Trump’s gone,” Moore said.


Despite Fahrenheit 11/9 director’s proclamation, there is not yet any “this person.” Moore’s preemptive attack on “this person” is being delivered before any SCOTUS candidate has even been presented to the U.S. Senate. We don’t even know who “this person” might be.


“Just take the money out of the system that runs the halls of Congress,” Moore continued. “Or, make it contingent on Mitch McConnell signing a pledge, in writing, that he will put no Supreme Court nominee in front of the Senate before inauguration day.”


However, the House of Representatives has no role whatsoever in picking, considering, or placing a nominee on the high court. U.S. Senate leader Mitch McConnell has no obligation at all to answer to Nancy Pelosi concerning Supreme Court picks.


“I know, some people won’t like this,” Moore concluded his rant on the matter, “but we’re all going to have to sacrifice here, a little bit, for a week or two — or whatever it is — to make sure that the Republicans… cannot do the job that they’re going to try to do, to not pull off another one of their crimes.”

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.10724039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4273 >>4533 >>4669 >>4729

Australian and British men killed in Solomon Islands bomb blast


An Australian citizen and his British colleague have been killed in a blast in the Solomon Islands, local police have said.

Key points:


The bomb blast could reportedly be heard up to five kilometres away

Authorities are investigating why the blast took place in a residential area

Bomb disposal squads have been in Honiara to clear bombs ahead of the Pacific Games in 2023


The two men, who have yet to be officially named, were workers for the NGO Norwegian Peoples Aid, which maps out World War II explosives.


Inspector Clifford Tunuki said police were working overnight to clear the site of the explosion, which took place in a residential area in the capital Honiara.


"Explosives ordinance disposal officers will have to render the scene safe before forensics and other investigators access the scene to find out what happened," Inspector Tunuki said.


Investigators will try to determine why explosives were present at a block of residential flats, which also serve as the project office.


A spokesperson for Norwegian Peoples Aid said they were "deeply sorry" for the "tragic accident" involving two of their staff.


It is understood the two men were sent to hospital but were later declared dead.


"We are working hard to inform all relatives, and to support the Solomon Island Police in their investigation," Hakon Odegaard said.


"Our thoughts go to the relatives and good colleagues in this tragic time."


Thousands of bombs to be cleared

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.10724090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4096

Iran could have material for nuke by end of year


Iran and North Korea “resume work” on long-range missiles, program increases


As Iran counts down the minutes to the end of an arms embargo so that it can begin importing much-needed technology and dual-use equipment for weapons,a senior US official allegedthat it is resuming work with North Korea on long-range missiles. Iran also could have enough material for a nuclear weapon by the end of the year. The report was part of a largerReuters reportabout new US sanctions against up to two dozen people and entities that will be slapped onto Iran. The US has urged the UN to snap back sanctions on Iran after Washington says Iran violated a 2015 deal.


Iran has circled the wagons and brought in the Russians, China, Turkey, the EU and many other countries to oppose the US attempts to put more sanctions on. The US allegation about the long-range missile work is linked to other US claims that Iran has violated agreements linked to ballistic missile development. Iran says it can build whatever it wants. It recently put a military satellite into space.


Iran has a massive indigenous missiles program consisting of advanced solid and liquid fueled rockets, missiles and precision guided missiles. Iran has also transferred this technology to the Houthis in Yemen, militias in Iraq, Syria, Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.


Iran’s missile program has advanced in recent years, even under sanctions. Iran claims it makes most of its parts locally. However in the past Iran has benefited from North Korean expertise. Like most countries whose missiles are based on Soviet designs Iran has used know-how that is part of reverse engineering or basing missiles on Chinese, Russian and North Korean designs. It has then gone on to try to improve the designs, increasing ranges and precision.


Reuters says the US official spoke on condition of anonymityand that this official had said Iran could have a nuclear weapon by the end of the year and had “resumed long-range missile cooperation with nuclear-armed North Korea.” The official did not provide evidence.


Iran’s missiles are potentially linked to its nuclear program because even if Iran can build a nuclear device and test it, the regime faces a problem in how to deliver the bomb. It has no long-range bombers, so Iran would have to potentially put it on a missile. There are many questions about how Iran would do that and how safe it would be. Iran shot down a civilian jetliner this year and has mined ships in the Gulf of Oman.


However, Iran showed high precision when it fired ballistic missiles at US bases in Iraq and against ISIS in Syria and against Kurdish dissidents over the last years. That shows that its Zulfiqar, Fateh, Qiam and Shahab missiles are increasing in lethality. An Iranian surface to surface missile factory at Khojir was damaged in a mysterious June explosion. The Natanz nuclear facility was also damaged in July. Recent airstrikes at Safirah in Syria on September 11 may have also targeted a surface to surface missile facility. In Iraq warehouses of pro-Iranian militias have blown up several times over the last year and a half in mysterious explosions. It was not clear if they housed missiles.


It's SCARED needs a war

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.10724172   🗄️.is 🔗kun


List of First Last Names Epstein LSJ Flight Logs.xlsx


Adriane Devonvoisen

Alan Dershowitz

Alberto Pinto

Alex Resnick

Alexander Fekkai

Alexia Wallagre

Alexia Wallert

Aline Weber

Alyssa Holders

Andrea Metrovich

Andrea Mispunetuk

Andrea Mmirovel

Andrea Mucinska

Andrea Ryan

Andres Pastrana

Anna Hanks

Audrey Blaise

Audrey Raimbault

Baby Mitchel

Banu Koluk Koylu

Banu Kucukkoylv

Berry Massion

Bill Clinton

Bill Hammond

Bill Murphy

Bob Broslin

Bren Tindall

Carolin Miller

Cassey Wasserman

Catherine Derby

Celina Dubin

Cindy Lopez

Claire Hazel

Claire Hazel

Cocoa Brown

Cresencia Valdez

Cristallig Waschl

Crystalle Wasche

Dan Maran

Daniel Dennet

Daniel Heller

Dara Lynn Prengle

Dave Killary

Dave Savage

David Mullen

David Rockwell

David Slang

Dean Ramon

Deborah Amselen

Diane Fleetwood

Doug Bands

Doug Bang

Doug Schoettle

Ed Tuttle

Edwina Simmonds

Elizabeth Johnson

Ellen Spencer

Emmy Tayler

Emmy Taylor

Eric Nonacs

Eva Andersen

Eva Anderson

Evelyn Boulet

Fabriame Palheo

Fleur Perrylang

Forest Sawyer

Francois Verenia

Frederic Fekkai

Frederique Todd*

William Jose

Yves Pickardt

Zinta Broukis

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.10724318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4326

Far-right conspiracy theorists say 94% of US COVID-19 deaths don't count because those Americans had underlying conditions. That's bogus.


The CDC's weekly report on US COVID-19 deaths breaks down fatalities by age, sex, race, and comorbidities — health conditions that increase a person's risk of a severe case.

Because only 6% of Americans who died of COVID-19 had no preexisting conditions, some people think those are the only people who the virus has truly killed. That's false.

Even President Trump retweeted, then deleted, once such erroneous statement.

Health problems like diabetes and heart disease make COVID-19 more deadly. Those who die with comorbidities were still killed primarily by the virus, though.


Nearly 200,000 Americans have died of COVID-19.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to track and study those deaths in as much detail as possible. Each week, the agency updates a provisional report that compiles coronavirus mortality data based on patients' death certificates.


The report breaks down US coronavirus deaths by age, sex, race, and location based on information submitted to National Center for Health Statistics. It also includes patients' comorbidities: preexisting health conditions like diabetes or kidney disease that are known to raise a person's risk of a severe infection.


The August 29 update to that report noted that in "6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned," meaning no other health conditions were "mentioned in conjunction with deaths."


That means only 6% of the 153,504 Americans who'd died by that date had no underlying health conditions.


But that line was widely misinterpreted — in fact, it set off a conspiracy-theory firestorm.


Countless social media users — including many associated with the far-right, pro-Trump conspiracy-theory group QAnon — suggested the report meant that only 6% of those counted in the US coronavirus death total actually died of the disease.


President Donald Trump even retweeted one such claim on August 30, then deleted it eight hours later. He also mentioned the 6% statistic in a September 1 interview with Fox News.


The tweet Trump reshared, posted by a QAnon supporter, said: "This week the CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. That's 9,210 deaths. The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age."


But that's bogus.

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.10724350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4533 >>4661 >>4669 >>4699 >>4717 >>4729

Not an Iceberg? New Study Reveals What Else Could Have Been Behind Titanic Disaster


A researcher has suggested that there is something which could have altered the Titanic’s navigational readings, bringing about a collision with an iceberg that killed almost 1,500 passengers.


The Titanic could have hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic after being pushed off course by intense space weather, Mila Zinkova, an independent US researcher and a retired computer scientist, has suggested in a new study, which claimed that a huge solar flare in the northern hemisphere may have actually caused the disastrous crash.


The researcher cited evidence of strong solar activity on the night the Titanic sank - 15 April 1912 - suggesting that a massive solar storm could have caused the magnetic compass on board the Titanic to point slightly away from the magnetic north, thereby prompting the vessel to change its course a bit.


“A negligible compass error”, which might have resulted from a geomagnetic storm, could have placed the Titanic on a collision course, impacting both navigation and communication, Zinkova wrote, also outlining the recovery efforts after the disaster, which led to as many as 1,496 deaths.


“The Titanic struck an iceberg at 2340 ship time on 14 April 1912 (0310 UTC, 15 April) in light winds and a relatively calm sea state”, the researcher said, adding that it was the Titanic’s Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall who had “worked out the ship’s SOS position”. Boxhall’s position was around 13 nautical miles (24 km) off their real position, Zinkova remarked, adding that promptly thereafter, the rescue ship Carpathia received the wrong position, “but somehow miraculously streamed directly to the Titanic’s lifeboats”.


Eyewitness accounts from the time, including Titanic survivor and author Lawrence Beesley, suggest there were auroras in the skies around the time of the deadly collision.


"We were not certain of the time and were eager perhaps to accept too readily any relief from darkness — only too glad to be able to look each other in the face and see who were our companions in good fortune; to be free from the hazard of lying in a steamer’s track, invisible in the darkness”, recalled Beesley, adding, though, that they were ultimately left disappointed.


He went on to depict how the “the soft light” lingered there for some time, gradually dying out, before glowing again. “'The Northern Lights!' It suddenly came to me, and so it was”, he recalled.

Anonymous ID: dcf5ad Sept. 20, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.10724422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4533 >>4669 >>4729

Global Debt Is Exploding At A Shocking Rate


The primary reason why the global financial system is on the verge of daily collapse, and is only held together with monetary superglue and central bank prayers thanks to now constant intervention of central banks, is because of debt. And, as BofA's Barnaby Martin succinctly puts it, much more debt is coming since "the legacy of the COVID shock is debt, debt and more debt." In short: use even more debt to "fix" a debt probem.


So in this world of explosive credit expansion coupled with tumbling economic output where helicopter money has become the norm, central banks - and specifically the ECB - are scaling their QE policies to monetize and absorb much of this debt (relieving the pressure on private investors to buy bonds), more debt "hotspots" mean more vulnerabilities for the global economy.


We won't preach about the consequences of this debt binge which has catastrophic consequences - we do enough of that already - but below we lay out some of the more stunning facts of global debt levels at the end of Q1 2020 as compiled by the BIS, courtesy of Martin:


Global debt/GDP surged to an all-time high in Q1 '20, with overall debt for the non-financial sector now worth 252% of global GDP. This is up from 241% at the end of 2019, the biggest quarterly jump ever according to BIS data.