Dr OZ on FOX
"FLU shot gives you COVID"
FOX news cuts stream like it was soros mentioned
Dr OZ on FOX
"FLU shot gives you COVID"
FOX news cuts stream like it was soros mentioned
2nd time African American on FOX cuts transmission
Plan Comes Into Focus, Senate Was The Key, Justice Is Coming, Law And Order – Episode 2281
x22 was banned from you tube for 1 week
to hear and see video go above link
zero Day x22 mentions that in the past a vote and confirmation can be made in the same day as it happened before..
Vote could be tomorrow and confirmed in same day
Why would FOX cut away when DR OZ said the Flu shot gives you china virus ?
UK attack ? UK and the German Queen Elizabeth II an ally ?
I thought RGB last wish was to have the Tarmac meeting and deal of Lynch and Clinton and herself looked at after installation of HRC for 2020?
Also home movies of trip abroad very interesting?
chandler and roberts sitting in a tree ?
Have you had your FLU shot ?
Didn't Fauci say to get your Flu shot ?
Why ?
Is he speaking with HRC and the fat lady from GA soon ?
How come this was not added into the insert for the FLU Shot ?
Is Fox news telling you to get FLU shot ?
I could not see my dying father because I didn't a FLU shot ?
Flu shot mandatory to visit seniors in senior citizen homes ? Yes they are
All first responders required to get flu shot give covid to seniors ?
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