Likely Scenarios:
with a sitting senator nominated it is precedent to waive hearings.
however dems likely will not.
dems will drag any nomination out with investigations, they will frame evidence through their DS networks for fake things to look at, when concluded they will come up with new things/late breaking developments to investigate. when GOP pushed it to a vote they will again release a bombshell via msm and ask for a vote delay and another investigation, they will continue this charade.
when GOP pushes and finally votes DS/Dems will push narrative that the latest accusation (that did not hold up a vote to be investigated) is true and smear the candidate, and start impeachment proceedings on the new SC justice.
impeaching the SC justices will be their new game to regain court, unless stopped.
until people are held accountable the DS is able to get anyone who they control to act in any manner, since the path of resistance and consequence is them failing to abide by a DS order. if and when we punish people for criminal activity (in courts, and not at the ballot box) then that will be a big step because DS will have a harder time getting people to bad things for them. many of these people know what they are doing is wrong, and know the law enough that they know much is illegal, but without consequences they go along a not to disrupt the hand that feeds them.