Worked hard.. need dees
double dubs confirms
deer gawd not now.
takes a certain type anon. just keep posting if one doesn't note them.
crazy how ridiculous this sounds but how true it is
been busy working myself, haven't been able to be on, but the last month and a half I haven't baked much. Dunno why things get decided or not, so many times stuff I post knowing what at least I feel is notable doesn't get posted either fren. Just how it goes on 8 :)
Q could literally be replaced with 'TRUTH'..
Sheep: Why do you say that ?!?!?!
(You): Cause its the TRUTH… get where this is going?
STOP referring to Q and start referring to articles and the truth instead of someone who is telling you what is true.. yes Q.
Why you think Q posted the AirForce videos? So you don't say.. Q says DEW weapons are real.. NOPE.. now you say "DOD & AF have said DEWs are REAL.."
get it?
Sounds like a "CONSPIRACY THEORY" you ask me..
that really speaks to a hard worked anon.. god bless us all, them too.. damn.
I may not be a bio-medalist like some here.. but shouldn't you have LEAD instead of Aluminum?
I mean it would be a fuck ton lighter.. but there in is the prollem
you would think you could spell, or know enough to look it up if you were in doubt.
being blocked from posting memes.. wtf?
Supposed to have been upgraded to the platinum.. was supposed to get bewbs in inbox every 3rd day also..