Anonymous ID: 32714a Sept. 20, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.10727089   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They have privatized everything to get at everything, from the NSA to Homeland security, private military contractors - standing armies within the United States border - run by the Rothschild Wall Street and City of London network.


They privatized the military industrial complex and opened it up completely to Israel, Russia and China.


They privatized NASA and have opened it up to Russia and China via the Israeli Space Agency and the likes of the Israeli front man idiot boy man Elon MUSK.


They have joined Israel and the United States at the hip via legislation and the BIRD, the BARD and the BSF…what to do?


42 USC 17337: United States-Israel energy cooperation

§17337. United States-Israel energy cooperation

(a) Findings


Congress finds that-


(1) it is in the highest national security interests of the United States to develop covered energy sources;


(2) the State of Israel is a steadfast ally of the United States;


(3) the special relationship between the United States and Israel is manifested in a variety of cooperative scientific research and development programs, such as-


(A) the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation; and


(B) the United States-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation;…


The U.S.-Israel Energy Center announces funding opportunity for cooperation in cyber security for energy infrastructure…


The "narrative" that mattered was hidden from you by the talking heads that promised you they were not like the msm and "sell out" alt media. They begged for your money pushing Russia and Iran and China as opponents to Israeli expansionism while they are clearly hand in hand on The Belt and Road. And you lapped it up.


Don't worry though, life is gonna be good. Maybe they will take the smooth road into The Beast crypto world. You'll be shopping by Christmas and DARPA will unleash the toys to keep you busy and enthralled…"Israel, a blessing unto the nations." And Russia and China are loving it because while the U.S backs off Eurasia and focuses on building the North and South American union, and lays the technology for the UN Habitat Smart Cities Program, integrated 5G surveillance state…you will learn to love your Rothschild tech and New World Order.

Anonymous ID: 32714a Sept. 20, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.10727434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7456 >>7558 >>7693 >>7781 >>7798

Former FDA Director Expects "At Least One More Cycle" Of COVID-19 Before Vaccine Approval


Former FDA Director Dr. Scott Gottlieb has been one of the most prominent 'expert' voices since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, writing op-eds about how the FDA can safely speed up approval of a vaccine, and appearing daily on CNBC's "Squawk Box".


On Sunday, Gottlieb appeared on CBS News' Face the Nation, where he shared that he expects the US to experience one more round of COVID-19 before a vaccine becomes widely available.


"Well I think we have at least one more cycle with this virus heading into the fall and winter…if you look around the country right now there's an unmistakable spike in new cases and the declines in hospitalizations that we were achieving have started to level off."


It's possible it could be a "post-Labor Day bump," and Saturday's Sunday's numbers could suggest that perhaps US cases are already leveling off again. But it's clear that "we're seeing a resurgence in infections," Gottlieb said, adding that "there's a lot of risk" heading into the fall season because that's when "respiratory illnesses" like to spread."


Gottlieb also weighed in on President Trump's latest claim on vaccine timing - that a vaccine will be widely available by April. Gottlieb, who is on the board of Pfizer, said that he doesn't expect a vaccine will be approved for general use until the end of the 2nd quarter, or perhaps even the beginning of the third quarter, of next year.


"I don't believe a vaccine will be licensed for general use by the population until the end of the 2nd quarter of 2021, or perhaps a little later than that…what you really want is a vaccine available by the fall of 2021," Gottlieb said.


Whether the vaccine is approved in April or June of next year, ultimately, shouldn't make much difference, Gottlieb added. The outbreak should have mostly tapered off by then. But there will always be a risk of a comeback heading into the fall in the US.


While there's a possibility that the vaccine could be made available to "select groups" who are particularly vulnerable to the virus, such exceptions will only be made "on a very limited basis".


Dr. Gottlieb is best known for leading the push to combat teenage vaping during his time leading the FDA. He left last fall, just a few months before the outbreak hit.



Anonymous ID: 32714a Sept. 20, 2020, 7:49 p.m. No.10727516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7533 >>7558 >>7693 >>7781 >>7798

Pompeo Slams European Countries For Failing to Support Reinstating UN Sanctions on Iran


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday has slammed European countries for failing to support Washington’s efforts to reinstate United Nations sanctions on Iran.


On Saturday, Pompeo stated that UN sanctions against Iran were being reinstated after the US triggered a 30-day snapback mechanism. Following the announcement, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that Washington cannot unilaterally restore international sanctions on Tehran.


During an appearance on the Fox News broadcaster, Pompeo accused European countries of failing to put the work in to punish Iran.


“The Europeans have not joined us in this. They know we’re right. They tell us privately we don’t want the arms sales to come back … But they haven’t lifted a finger. They haven’t done the work that needs to be done. They have no option, no alternative to what we’ve done to ensure that doesn’t happen. I hope they’ll join us, I hope they’ll get to the right place,” Pompeo said.


The secretary of state also appeared to criticize European countries for remaining part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal, which the US withdrew from in 2018.


“They’re still wedded to this silly nuclear deal that was signed now five years ago. I hope they will come to understand that if you really want to lead, if you want to be part of a global coalition to reduce risk in the Middle East, then you need to join us. We need these sanctions to snap back,” Pompeo stated.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that Washington has failed in its efforts to reinstate the UN sanctions on Tehran.


A United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Iran is scheduled to expire on October 18. The UK, France, and Germany said in a letter on Saturday that sanctions relief, which was agreed as part of the 2015 deal that limited Iran's nuclear capabilities, would remain in force beyond Sunday.


Working for Israel as always, is this fucker ever doing anything for the US????