Anonymous ID: 878434 Sept. 20, 2020, 11:55 p.m. No.10729562   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Their desire for this to be true is deeply disturbing.

Repetition is the most well-know and likely easiest method of brainwashing.


>>Their desire for this to be true is deeply disturbing.




















Their desire for this to be true is deeply disturbing.

Anonymous ID: 878434 Sept. 21, 2020, 12:02 a.m. No.10729586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9603


>hey go look outside in the sky, there's a pretty big red planet and it looks close as fuck anons

The "god" of war

It was really interesting a week ago when the sky was hazy AF from the "wild"fires thousands of miles away.

The smoke/haze cancelled out damn near every star in the sky, and Mars was basically the only thing visible.

For some reason, the smokescreen almost seemed to enhance Mars' shy glow.

Anonymous ID: 878434 Sept. 21, 2020, 12:08 a.m. No.10729609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Remember when

If I turned off my television and stayed off the interwebs, I wouldn't've.

Which I do stay away from television and radio and basically everything possibly possible because I can't stand the mindwashering of clown world.

Damn you, interwebs. Why can't you just let me be free from the utter insanity of clown worldian politrickery?

Anonymous ID: 878434 Sept. 21, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.10729702   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Night Shift and Space fags, here's a good one, off topic, mostly.

If you want to mentally link it to Q posts or whatever so you don't feel guilty about watching the video on /qresearch/, just think about the

>How far is the closest star?

post, and

>Think of the vastness of space.

and all that other good stuff and what-not.


Anywho. Glad to see this video. My head was hurting trying to analyze neighboring stars, trajectories, etc., in part because I lack access to information that would otherwise grant me the knowledge needed to properly analysisize the situmajiggerization, and I had way too much on muh plate to next level space fag this together even remotely as close as what this guy did, not to mention the fact that there is no way in hell I would've been able to do all of above redacted and then manage to successfully make a video on a decade old broken-down beater laptop, with no money left to my name after 8 years of obamafication following up on the lifetime of bush-fuckery with the herpes formerly known as the clintons, all while being surrounded by mind-jacked-clown-puppet-drones who want to kill me and burn the country down, in no order what-so-ever.


So, what I'm really trying to say is, I give this guy props for taking muh job that I really didn't wanna do and doing it so I didn't have to do it for you all. So, just watch if you like space stuffs. Or watch it anyway. Or don't. Whatever.


For the record, I will say that he does veer off into the territory of "catastrophe cycles". Which I do not personally necessarily agree with. But that's because the evidence doesn't really necessarily show clear evidence of re-occuring catastrophe, rather "catastrophe cycles". Although, there were definitely catastrophes. I just don't think they were entirely triggered by whatever it is that is trending that makes people think is totally gonna happen again because someone put certain notions in collective heads which trigger certain emotional connections about suppressed collective fears about psychologically scarring traumas experienced by our ancestors, but hidden from us etc, etc. I'm gonna stop talking cause I'm about to pass out. Night Night Shift