Anonymous ID: d7cae0 Sept. 20, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.10729464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9479 >>9613 >>9645 >>9728 >>9741 >>9887 >>0016 >>0081 >>0112

Biden digital ads target Puerto Rican voters with Marc Anthony


In a continued effort to win over Latino voters with about a month left until Election Day, Joe Biden's presidential campaign is calling on the Puerto Rican community to remember the devastation of the Island caused by Hurricane Maria three years ago Sunday.


The new English and Spanish-language digital ads features singer Marc Anthony, whose family hails from Puerto Rico, saying that it is “Prohibido Olvidar” or “forbidden to forget” how President Donald Trump failed to adequately provide help to the island in the weeks after the hurricane decimated their communities.


“Remembering is not easy for everyone. It’s difficult to relive the destruction of our homes, the crying of those who lost a loved one and the terrifying uncertainty when thinking ‘what will my children eat tomorrow,’” Anthony said referencing the continuing hardships pain Puerto Ricans have endured since Hurricane Maria. “However forgetting is forbidden.”


While the ad never mentions Trump, it does show him at the Oval Office’s resolute desk when Anthony reminds voters how “it’s forbidden to forget that in moments of true darkness, when the cries for help fell on deaf ears.” Anthony notes that the only the community can rely on itself to rebuild and fight for a better future in a get-to-vote message to defeat Trump at the ballot box.


The over one-minute digital ad is targeting Puerto Ricans living in Florida and Pennsylvania, two states that saw thousands relocate from the territory to the mainland following the hurricane.


It makes for a ripe set of voters to convince heading into the election in a community that already leans more Democratic. Just last week Biden kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month in Puerto-Rican rich Kissimmee, Fla. while his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, spoke to Hispanic leaders at a Puerto Rican cultural center in Philadelphia, Penn. They both pledged to uplift the community and support their decision for self-determination.


“The way Donald Trump botched Maria was a terrible precursor to Covid-19: He failed to prepare, failed to respond like a president, and failed to protect American citizens from harm,” Biden said in a statement commemorating the anniversary of Hurricane Maria. “We all deserve better. Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans deserve better.There is no place in the United States to ever treat any of our own citizens as second-class.”

Anonymous ID: d7cae0 Sept. 21, 2020, 12:11 a.m. No.10729619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9728 >>9887 >>0016 >>0081 >>0112

Bytedance says it will own 80% of TikTok Global contradicting Trump’s claims

Shortly after President Donald Trump “gave his blessing” to TikTok’s U.S. sale, he claimed the deal completely addresses his administration’s national security concerns and “has nothing to do with China.” However, a new statement released by Bytedance, the Chinese startup that owns TikTok, (via CNBC) appears to contradict Trump’s claims.


Bytedance says it will retain a substantial 80 percent stake in TikTok Global, a new subsidiary of the video app for the U.S. market in which both Oracle and Walmart will also be minority holders.


“It’ll be a brand new company. It will have nothing to do with any outside land, any outside country, it will have nothing to do with China,” Trump said, pronouncing the agreement a success on Saturday, 19th September.


Plus, Bytedance’s founder and CEO, Zhang Yiming will be included in the border of directors of TikTok Global — alongside other members such as the CEO of Walmart.


A day later on Sunday, 20th September, Secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, in an interview, claimed the new TikTok subsidiary will be “controlled by Americans” and Bytedance will remain a “passive shareholder” with “no access to the company, no decision-making authority” and without the “ability to peer into what they’re doing.”


Bytedance’s latest statement also sheds light on previously fuzzy aspects of the deal. It added that the $5 billion figure Trump quoted that TikTok will have to pay in “new tax dollars to the U.S. Treasury” is merely a “forecast” of corporate taxes and the exact amount will be determined based on TikTok Global’s development.


As rumored earlier, Bytedance won’t be sharing its algorithms and recommendation engine — that powers the TikTok feed – with Oracle. Instead, in the statement, it said Oracle will have the authority to conduct security checks on TikTok’s source code in the United States. Examining the source code of any digital service is a common practice for reviewing its security and data privacy protections. Last month, in an 11th-hour twist, China updated its list of technologies that are subject to export restrictions to add “recommendation of personalized information services based on data.”


We’ve reached out to Bytedance and the Trump Administration for further comment and we’ll update the story when we hear back.