Anonymous ID: f40662 Sept. 20, 2020, 11:14 p.m. No.10729375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10729247 PB (massively fun discussion of the ancient sacred text)


>Problem #1


>Establishment academia claims ancient Hebrew “a lost language”.


Nope. Not lost. Dead.

Hebrew was a DEAD language. It is like Latin. No one used it anymore so, it stopped changing…. which is a good thing. However, being a religious language, and being that the Tribe of Judah has ALWAYS kept the original copies of the TORAH in the front of their synagogues…. it is like LATIN which no one uses today. It is DEAD. But it is well understood and is not being changed by use.


>Problem #2


>Establishment academia claims there are no surviving original texts.


Lol…. well they lie. And the original texts are all over the place in many libraries. Some are still in stone. The dead sea scrolls are verified copies of all three copies of the Septuagint which we have had for a long time.


So, they can say it. They can hope you blindly just believe it, and never travel to a museum that has actual copies.


We have over 5000 actual matching fragments, just identical fragments just from early church fathers writing down what they were going to say at their catacomb church when the church was underground due to persecution.


We can actually re-assemble the bible word for work in Greek, just from those fragments left in those caves.

Anonymous ID: f40662 Sept. 20, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.10729466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649

>>10729255 PB



No, Not wrong.

Ox is the same as a bull.

House is a modern word for the ancient tent.


The nail is there plain as day.


Window is the most interesting. It is the sound HEH… like a quick breath out. This is the letter that God added to turn Abram into AbraHam, and Sara into SaraH.


God is adding spirit to them.


They thought of spirit as wind, the likes of breeze you get from a window when you looked out to see, or behold. All of those concepts are wrapped up in the Hebrew H.


God was not adding windows to Abraham and Sarah.

Anonymous ID: f40662 Sept. 20, 2020, 11:46 p.m. No.10729522   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10729352 PB

This man was sent by God to help modern scientists and educated people understand what is meant by the ancient texts assembled by the creator of the Universe…. and I will be forever grateful.


It is one thing to believe or have faith.

It is quite another to know that you know that you know as a mathematical proof.


The only thing that bothers me now is this nagging question I have about God's plan?


If God was so content to let simple belief be sufficient for so many years throughout history…..


are we suddenly having to face the FACTS of his existence now at this moment in history?


As a scientist, I have to wonder if what we are about to face will require that we KNOW that we KNOW.


And that prospect is a bit scary. I have to admit.

Anonymous ID: f40662 Sept. 21, 2020, 1:07 a.m. No.10729816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9828 >>9841


Perhaps we need to get a little specific with the charts and the meanings, differences between the ancient and Modern Hebrew. This would be helpful. Point is that each letter stands for more than one kind of word, nouns, verbs, and usually an abstract concept at least.


Aleph is a bull head or ox head. It can mean the noun bull, or Ox, but also means leader, or strong one, power, such abstract ideas.


Beyt means tent, but can mean floor plan, or house.


The two put together mean leader of the house or you could say strong one of the house, and it is the word for father, or "daddy".


Yud means hand, but not the palm, it means hand from the elbow down. There was no word "forearm". Kaph is the word for the open hand or palm.


Hey is a man with arms raised and means look, reveal, breath and the sound is h or ah, as in Abraham and Sarah. It can mean behold or look, see, and or breath/spirit. Here Vev means to add, secure, Hook, in other charts like the one you put up, it means nail, which is something you fasten or hook things with. It can also refer to a tent peg.


The sentence of YHWH read from the right to left is HWHY and does create the concept

"Behold (look) the hand (elbow down), Behold, the nail (fastener)


And yes, there is a whole sentence in the name of God