Anonymous ID: a7cc7d Sept. 21, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.10731122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vid related, start @ 5:59


Honorable MAGA/Great Awakening aligned Congressmen, Senators and staff,


Given the immediate and numerous calls from the Left/DS to "Burn Down Congress" in the wake of RBG's death; and in light of the information provided in the attached video, please maintain a high state of readiness at all times, know where all possible routes of egress from Capitol Hill are located, be alert for any suddenly installed obstacles: chained doors, construction/renovation, etc. If possible, have access to a bolt cutter, fire rated respirator/gas mask, fire retardant blankets, flash lights and a durable map of the Capitol building.


'Burn Congress down': Former CNN host, prominent writers, and a professor all urge a violent response if Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court replacement is voted in before the election.


Our prayers are with you as brave the potential for a modern day Reichstag fire. However, we know that our Republic does not reside in a building but in the hearts & souls of patriots such as yourselves, Godspeed

Anonymous ID: a7cc7d Sept. 21, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.10731563   🗄️.is 🔗kun




1) "The biggest recipient of Soros-connected cash in the GOP was none other than House Speaker Paul Ryan"-


2) "Paul Ryan Said to Have Convinced Fox to Dump Trump"-


"Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump"-