Anonymous ID: d8d162 Sept. 21, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.10731574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1620

In April when I was experiencing this awakening and the Globalist plan was becoming evident and they were doing the Together at Home concert and I felt this I was getting subliminal messages from the artists. One of the first performers was "Sir" Elton John and he did "Im Still Standing" and with open eyes it felt like he was telling me Fuck You peasents I'm a demon as Elton John I'm still here you can't get me. The Rolling Stones did "You Can't Alweays Get What You Want". Which DJT uses at his rally's And that seemed like a metaphor for life as it's been. Something has always provides what we need not what we want, if you sleep walk through life. If there is something you want you need to work for it yourself. The Together at home concert was just a massive spellcast on thew people keeping them hypnotized. I tried to let people know what I was seeing but my friends were saying "I just want to hear the music". J-Lo covgered a Barbra Streisand song People and It sounded like she said


People who need people

Are the luckiest people in the world,

We're children, needing other children

And yet letting our grown-up pride

Hide all the need inside,

Acting more like children


children Lovers are very special people,

They're the luckiest people

In the world.


Celebrities need people, we dont need them . The entire "Global Citizen " Alone at home concert solidified my view that they were the problem. I just wanted to add "Goodbye yellow Brick Road" This shit is real righ tin front of us. How to reconcile songs and things we used to enjoy into the reality we face? IDK


When are you gonna come down?

When are you going to land?

I should have stayed on the farm

I should have listened to my old man


==You know you can't hold me forever

I didn't sign up with you

I'm not a present for your friends to open

This boy's too young to be singing the blues==


So goodbye yellow brick road

Where the dogs of society howl

==You can't plant me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my plough==

Back to the howling old owl in the woods

Hunting the horny back toad

Oh, I've finally decided my future lies

Beyond the yellow brick road


What do you think you'll do then

I bet that'll shoot down your plane

It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics

To set you on your feet again


==Maybe you'll get a replacement

There's plenty like me to be found

Mongrels who ain't got a penny

Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground==


So goodbye yellow brick road

Where the dogs of society howl

You can't plant me in your penthouse

I'm going back to my plough


Back to the howling old owl in the woods

Hunting the horny back toad

Oh, I've finally decided my future lies

Beyond the yellow brick road