poison bread
So, so stupid.
It's really quite simple.
Adam was created on Day Six.
There is a genealogy in the bible from Adam to Jesus.
Who was born about 2000 years ago.
It's about a 4000 year genealogy.
There is no test for age.
Observations are made in the present and are then extrapolated into the past.
They've always been wrong, they're wrong now, and they'll always be wrong.
There is no "version" other than that God made Adam from clay, and made Eve from Adam's rib.
The truth doesn't have versions.
You know satan can't save himself from eternal hellfire, yes?
Then how or why would he even want to repay you for working for him?
Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear to be magic at first.
The bible is 66 books written by 40 men over 1500 years, all inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, an eyewitness to the Creation.
It is holy.
That is why you hate it.
Keep following the devil into hellfire; what is that to me?
"I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life; no man comes to the Father but by Me."
t. Yeshosha HaMoschiac aka Christ Jesus.
Pilate was talking to The Truth, and when he asked, "What is truth?", the Truth just was there to be seen.
Like the Truth is there for you to be seen, yet you will not look at Him.
Will not respond to Him.
You will only do what your father tells you to do, the Father of Lies, and lie. And blaspheme. And steal, and murder. And in the end, you will perish in the same lake of fire as the serpent/devil/satan/lucifer/covering cherub; they're all one and the same. The highest angel whose pride turned him into the devil.
As your pride has turned you into one of the devil's advocates.
Check into your retirement plan.
It's not good.
And satan/lucifer/devil/dragon/great dragon?
Hates and despises you.
While Jesus would save you, if you consent, and bend the knee.
You keep trying to think you have an opinion on this that matters.
No man comes to the Father, but by Jesus.
So the Jews who think they are going to the Father, but not through Jesus, are damned.
The muslims that think allah is the Father, and do not have Jesus, are damned.
As all men are damned.
As you have proven you are damned.
Jesus was indeed a King, and Pilate said as much in four languages on his cross, and refused to alter it.
Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's; Jesus did not come to conquer Rome, but to die on a cross. You're like Judas. You just don't get it.
You hate me; you have committed murder in your heart, where all murders start.
I forgive you and ask the Father not to hold it against you, because that's what we do.
gnostic gibberish
You mean the fresh ones, non-fossilized, with soft connective tissue and red blood cells from T-Rex they found a few years ago?
How does that fit into yours?
Yes, like we ignore all gnostic trash.
There are connected and detailed genealogies in the bible.
Bishop Ussher painstakingly followed the family trees from Adam to Shem to Jesus.
And Jesus' dates are known to modern history, through Roman history.
About 6000 years, not 12,000.
Not that long ago.
Won't last much longer.
Massive ELE flood about 4650 years ago that changed everything.
And killed most of the dinosaurs.
Which for the most part averaged the size of a large sheep.
Dinos were made on Day 6, just like Man, and Adam named them.
You mock now; later, you burn.
Unless you repent, and grab hold of the truth.
There is only one God, and it's He. Not They.
And no, you became evil on your own; God did not make you evil.
You chose to be evil.
Later, you will wish you had taken the pardon.
Jesus made lucifer, and watched him fall.
Jesus is guilty of no crimes; he is God, and always has been.
You have, among other things, fallen into an Arian heresy.
Jesus is God, and created the world.
And then cursed it, when men joined satan's rebellion.
Same rebellion you're in.
And there's only one hell.
And you don't want to be in it.
Dinosaurs are in the bible.
The word "dinosaur" is a 19th century word.
the bible was completed in the first century.
Flying Serpent
The bible is full of dinosaurs.