shit bread
kill self
I did, I am dead now…
fuck off, only once for me and it was intentional!
Q shit the bread! so! so! so!
I will find you if you keep leading off with that pity party bullshit.
We have all lost.
We have all gave some and some give all.
Free of charge…
Listen here PUNK.
OSS has said many times that he will remove WR when he bakes… PERIOD end of debate.
He was baking right before that happened.
He has lead the charge against WR.
He IP hops all the time ie: uses VPN
and you think it's a fucking coincidence?
ACDBDUBLAH BLAH comes in all "KIKES!" and shit…
OSS just fucked up last night and even though he said it was not because of his paranoia that some MUH JOO SHIT was removed it most certainly was.
Yer dumb or you are complicit and I don't give a fuck which one it is anymore. All of you pussies days are numbered.
Liars, biased pieces of shit that never should be allowed near a Kitch in the fucking first place!
PAYtriots and yer little P = payseur's pussies get to walk the plank first!
All you do is divide but the kids here are not wise enough to see and I think Q knows exactly what the fuck is going down.
Friends close, faggot fake paytriot shill bitches in the kitch closer…
Yes! come fucking closer!
5:5 o7
Come closer…
You are not from "high command" and you did not get any OUTSIDE COMMS but maybe from some faction close to POTUS attempting to control this fucking narrative and I "See" you.
Muh InfilTraitor Paytriot.
43 days…
Bullshit excuses trying to save your little buddies rep. You are so transparent, girlfriend.
ABCDUFGHI went all "BECAUSE KIKES" on us and OSS is openly racist anti semite while baking so YEAH as I don't believe in coincidences anymore.
Yer gonna shit when you realize that the faction you serve is not what you thought it was.
Flipped not Freed!
Shaken not stirred!
and nice meme!
I don't need your help, leaf.
Most of the time you seem like controlled op's anyways.
Straighten your shit up!
Muh Holohoax was all the info I needed to know and all the rest is just icing on the cake.
Racist liar trying to save what little rep you have left after so much dividing.
OPEN DISPLAYS OF RACISM WHILE BAKING and the other baker's do not condemn but defend you? Uh huh!
Good shit! Glorious GLOWING shit!
Honk! Honk! and Tick Tock!
With some P = Payseur on the tippy top!
If I know…
Q knows…
teehee motherfuckers!
I said TEEHEE! ;D
Still voting for POTUS!
Have a great day yo!
"Muh holocaust was a holohoax because muh hollywood made so many movies about it but I do not hate jews and none of this has anything to do with any of your other astute observations, anon!"
Are your little testes retreating into their little body cavity, buddy?
Don't answer!
Save it as I have got ta go!