>>10731783 (LB)
I read these comms, as Chuck privily demanding Proof Of Life regarding RBG and forcing access to wherever and whatever they had it hooked up to. "R"ight "B"lue AU="G"old ….
>>10731783 (LB)
I read these comms, as Chuck privily demanding Proof Of Life regarding RBG and forcing access to wherever and whatever they had it hooked up to. "R"ight "B"lue AU="G"old ….
Anon, here's a thought. Prince Andrew used to boomerang on the UK five eyes partnership for their betrayal. Australia next. Boris Johnson = Scaramucci model perhaps? Nigel Farage for PM
Excellent, everything goes by Lunar Cycle.
Oct.1 - Harvest Moon - normally in September but this year on first of October. October Surprise?
11.3 or 13th day of first month of the hebrew year.
Actually, the crumbs dropped are numbered from before "Q" used as a signature.
"Q" introduced in Post 34
Margaret Atwood should be sued by the estate of Robert A. Heinlein. His Science Fiction Novel Revolt 2100 predicts a Theocracy established in the US. complete with a bastardized government, dictator and sexual slavery.
Agreed Anon.
I have studied it, emplacement so precise it is mathematically impossible to be a natural object or location. Old measurements were based off lunar cycles and earth cycles. Whole metric system is a scam to detract from recognizing the probabilistic anomalies. The real ARK ? Watchers near base on us? lots of possibilities.
2007 - Japan drops a nuke on Luna looking for water ?