Part 1 of 2
Summary: China is fucked.
Paul Furber@paul_furber
Brazilanon gives a great summary of China's overall prospects. Capped from this thread here:
1:03 AM · Sep 21, 2020
The halfchan posts:
Anonymous (ID: sV/7ZuVE) 09/20/20(Sun)19:02:35 No.278440787▶>>278441457 >>278492705 >>278493908
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Summary Done on 18-09
HK: Occupied by CCP, full of pro-democracy and independence insurgents. Was PRC’s primary input hose for foreign capital, which is getting cut off because now the charade is up. HK’s decades-long efforts to build a financial hub only worked because it had transparency and autonomy.
Xinjiang: Cultural genocide of Uighurs (Sinicization) in progress with holocaust slave labor, pissing off muslims outside of China. All exports traceable to Xinjiang getting shut down by the USA.
Tibet: Still a breakaway region, now a battlespace for border clashes with India & Bhutan.
Inner Mongolia: New cultural genocide/Sinicization in progress, pissing off Genghis Khan himself.
Taiwan: A public relations disaster for the PRC for its entire existence, now fucking based hedgehog island with closer ties to USA than ever. On the verge of total independence, but the mainland is going to try to stop it before it’s too late.
One Belt One Road (Land): Fucked. Every potential partner is either thinking twice or saying “haha fuck no”. Thailand axed the canal to bypass Malacca Strait, Vietnam canceled investment negotiations. Central asian overland transport would have to pass through thousands of miles of muslim insurgent territory who wouldn’t pass up a chance to interdict Chinese trade to avenge the Xinjiang genocide.
One Belt One Road (Sea): Also fucked. China’s seaborne trade is tenuous at best, PLA Navy can’t really project far from their shores where they have land-based weapon systems as a force multiplier. Weaker navies than the USA could interdict Chinese trade if they really wanted to. Energy imports also come over the sea – more on that further down.
Anonymous (ID: sV/7ZuVE) 09/20/20(Sun)19:02:52 No.278440823▶>>278441457
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CCP state-owned banks: Fucked. Tied up with a huge domestic debt bubble (~250% of reported GDP for non-financial sector loans) and barely any viable investments left in the country anymore. They’ve already built all the high-ROI infrastructure they possibly can. Now building ghost towns, tofu towers, and bridges to nowhere just to keep people employed and have to keep rolling the debt over or slowly writing it off to deflate the bubble without having double-digit inflation.
Debt-trap diplomacy: On the way out. In a polite international environment, China would benefit the way it did with Sri Lanka, getting useful port leases or other benefits. Now everyone is wary of what happens when China is your loan shark and no one wants their investment.
India: Not fucking around. ‘Nuff said.
Japan: Pulling business out of China at record speed, faster than finding out you’re fucking a chick with herpes.
Huawei: Fucked. Getting cut off from high-end chip supply chains. Barely any market to sell to except the domestic Chinese market. CCP just started mandating corporate use of Huawei instead of iPhone, they’re trying to force domestic demand now.
Flood-chan: Destroying China’s already-limited domestic food supply and arable land, wrecking low-lying towns along the Yangtze, forcing demolition of smaller dams, causing landslides in Sichuan, overwhelming TGD, also fucking cute and hot at the same time (picrel).
Xi Jinping: Faced with all of these issues and an internal power struggle. Barely any cards to play in the domestic situation other than nationalism and totalitarianism.
[Go to part 2]