>Michael Chapman
>has died
Yeah, I'm gonna lose sleep tonight "mourning" his death!
it cannot be possible for them to get any more ignorant! smdh
>You don't think that MBS and the White Hats planned for his passing?
>I never knew how many Federal Judges there are total, so wasn't sure what percentage he has filled. Looks like its pretty high.
POTUS said earlier almost 300 Federal judges appointed so far!
>Thanks anon..not sure how it happened, but that was it o7!
>Thanks anon..not sure how it happened, but that was it o7!
hate images not loading grrrrr it sucks!
>Judge Scalia’s final wish was to not be smothered with a pillow. kek
ouch, too true!
this probably should NOT have made me kek so hard but…ya know…bourbon!
>"Sandy" is a lying commie bitch
I've got the answer to that "commie bitch"…let's see if it loads!
>"Sandy" is a lying commie bitch
>I've got the answer to that "commie bitch"…let's see if it loads!
2nd try than I give up!