I pray these last four years of media-manufactured, divisive hysteria (designed to prevent the inevitable via push to reach a destabilizing crescendo) shall consume itself [controlled demolition] by virtue of A) >Rule Of Law
and B)
>testimony from gate-keeping individuals who've been blackmailed, gatekeepers who've enjoyed the public's trust and adoration.
May they all have the opportunity to impact the course of history by embracing transparency.
And make no mistake, there are those fighting for good who know that in doing so, they too may serve time along with the swampsters who continue to resist the inevitable until the last death throes.
In other words, this is not about iIF it happens, this is about controlling the shockwave WHEN it happens so that the fabric of society and normal peaceful commerce can continue relatively unscathed and stronger than before.
Soros wont split us apart. We are not Ukraine.