Imagine Q, having a satanist commander, saving this planet from satan, while they hold a back note with satan eye on it?
I like Joe Rogan.
I hope Tucker will not bring soros in any discussion, gor not being fired.
I like him on my phone screen.
I think he will start talking about new era, new life, climate change, iran dealโฆ.
DOD, SMD since you like latters and scanning.
did uou scan girls for criminals in power, for not having havey materials to hurt a pig from conhress or senate, while you trafficated?
where is my Luiza and Alexandra?
Oe you think I will ever forget this????
You fucking fuck, now we're together, but after, you all have things to pay to me.
Tucker, you've earned an angel from me, to protect you and yoir family, now and forever.
POTUS has three.
I have one+ for loving that MF called GOD.