Anonymous ID: 573cd5 April 16, 2018, 11:25 p.m. No.1073882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


More on Kimba Wood. . . .


In the Nannygate matter of 1993, Wood was Bill Clinton's second unsuccessful choice for United States Attorney General. Like Clinton's previous nominee, Zoë Baird, Wood had hired an illegal immigrant as a nanny, but unlike Baird, she had paid the required taxes on the employee. Wood employed the illegal immigrant at a time when it was legal to do so, before the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 made the hiring of illegal immigrants unlawful. The threat of a repetition of the same controversy nevertheless led to the hasty withdrawal of Wood from consideration. Janet Reno was later nominated and confirmed for the post. White House officials said they were angry at Judge Wood because she had not told Clinton and other officials about the nanny, even when she had been directly asked. In her statement, however, Judge Wood said she had not misled the White House.


Wood is currently married to Wall Street financier and former Harvard Law School classmate Frank E. Richardson III, whom she wed in 1999. She had earlier been named as the "other woman" in a divorce battle in 1995 between Richardson and his socialite wife Nancy.


(((Frank Richardson is also Director of the Finance Committee - ROCKEFELLER BROTHERS FUND INC)))

Anonymous ID: 573cd5 April 16, 2018, 11:47 p.m. No.1073992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Armenian mafia


The Armenian mafia is a general term for organized criminal gangs based in Yerevan, Moscow and other major Russian cities, that consist of ethnic Armenians. It is spread over all post-Soviet states. The structure is organized in clans called akhperutyuns (brotherhoods).