Anonymous ID: a11547 April 16, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.1073979   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4070 >>4507

to my view, one of the most important – if not THE most important – purposes of the Q phenomena is to redpill normies and pull those straddling fringe's boundary further to the truth of things.

>may make a thread about this<


be that as it may, i think it's important that we go about our redpilling strategically. anon starts with the fact that tptb are satanists. if you don't answer the question of why, nothing that follows will make sense to the normie.


what strategies, tactics and methods shall we use, anons? let us configure a program to systematically red pill the blinkered normies; put together a working formula to shake them from their stupor.

Anonymous ID: a11547 April 17, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.1074075   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4091 >>4132


yeah, ZH is great.

i happen to know that many of the original/core ZH contributors are active on the chans.

>t one of them

anon came under serious attack (and this after some seven years of ceaseless persecution) in the aftermath of the election. anon had to go as dark as he could – but (((they))) always seem to know what i post, even on the chans.

i still contribute to ZH regularly…just not extensively like i used to…suffice it to say, shit got really scary there for a while.

all the same, i feel the time is nearing wherein anon can not only return to ZH without fear of reprisal, but I'm seriously considering going public.

i will make that determination in the next month or two.

since november of 2016, anon has literally been hunted – literally half way across the continent; similar things have happened to a few of the other persuasive and powerful voices on ZH. but the tides are turning…anon survived…just licking my wounds and preparing for the next phase.

the time has come for the hunted to become the hunter.

Anonymous ID: a11547 April 17, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.1074138   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4155


oh, now i see what you're saying. yeah, that's probably some jidf kike who's been assigned to me…attempting to sway me due to my sentiments viz ZH. and, yes, in the past year or so ZH has become at least partly compromised – if they weren't from the beginning.

the jews know what they've done to me and my family. insulting me and harassing me isn't going to sway me – and they sure as shit know they're not going to out-debate me…of all the things they know, it's that anon is in possession of an intellect superior to their whole cabal.

anon demands an apology and an explanation from the kikes – i've made that abundantly clear. they've responded that none will be forthcoming. and so we are at an impasse.

they have wronged anon monstrously, yet they are too proud to admit it, much less attempt to make up for it.

they need to grow the fuck up and answer for their excesses. what i've experienced can only be described as existential rape.

their response is to go on insulting me and harassing me.

and so anon grows increasingly recalcitrant.


my position is simple (and warranted):

they are going to answer for what they've done, or America is going to become a seething cauldron of countersemitism.

it's just that simple.


look on me and despair, kikes.

Anonymous ID: a11547 April 17, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.1074231   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4234 >>4248 >>4257 >>4340


>There will be a day for you to speak - until then, remain frosty


i know you're right, anon…i know you're right.

i was prepared to do just that…was about to start creative writing again and then i was, just the other day, reminded of the extent to which these devils went in their enterprise to ruin me. it hurts, anon…it hurts badly – unspeakable emotional pain – to have people you've trusted most of your life turn on you so callously and casually.

these people invaded my personal life – as personal as it can get. all attempts at catharsis fail me; i find myself fighting off craving pangs for vengeance throughout the day and into the night.

i do feel that creative/non-political writing would go a long way in helping me heal; and i know my spirit is entering a fecund flourish of creativity (feel my muse ready to render some of my best work yet)…even so, the things i've endured have crimped my hope and sense of optimism to such an extent that it's hard for me to maintain enthusiasm in anything for more than a day or so. one of (((their))) favored schemes throughout my ordeal was to buoy my hopes only to ruthlessly burst my bubble.

it has been said that hell is a place where hope is given and then ripped away. anon can attest to the truth of this saying.

i know i should just let it go…but it's near to impossible when the pain is so raw and the losses so dear.

all i want at this point is a piece of land and some animals…far-far away from people.

shit, anon, with the scope and scale of their attacks, i don't know if i'll ever be able to enjoy another sincere friendship in my life…the doubt and suspicion of betrayal casts its long shadow over all such prospects.


and so i am in a stage of vacillation:

i slide from the searing rage of score-settling to the blessed inner-life bristling with the raw fodder of stories and imagination.


pray for me, anon. my burden has been severe.

Anonymous ID: a11547 April 17, 2018, 1 a.m. No.1074320   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4390 >>4476 >>4600


calm down, anon. if all that's happened is a internet outage, count your blessings.

shit, my brother, my home was broken into with my youngest son here unprotected just two months ago.

feel certain it was in some way related to (((them))). didn't steal anything. went straight to my desk where, along with various docs, i used to keep my pistol. my driveway is a half mile long single lane dirt road. and for other reasons i can assure you this guy was some sort of pro.

but that's really nothing compared with other things that've befallen me.

hell, speaking of documents, my DD214 was completely deleted, and at a time they had me backed into a corner and i had nowhere but the VA to turn. and again, that's nothing.

i could literally go on for days detailing the odd and anomolous events that've littered my path since (((they))) decided to make an example of me.