Anonymous ID: a666a8 April 17, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.1074317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4336 >>4347 >>4383 >>4397 >>4416



First, POTUS makes a seemingly fake attack. He destroys empty buildings and some Iranian equipment. He does not target any Russian sites. Therefore, the Russians do NOT fire their latest S-4– anti-aircraft stuff. Instead Syria fires its old Soviet anti-aircraft missiles and they take out many Tomahawks. This was not supposed to happen. Somebody must have infiltrated Raytheon and made sure that the Tomahawks were not functional. Who?


Next Israel attacks an airbase which has some Iranians on one side, and some Russians on the other. They know they have the best missiles. But all but one are shot down by Russia's S-400 system. It turns out that Russia did not use the stolen guidance technology that they got from Israel. Instead, they used their own and made sure it really works.


Now we know.


The USA missiles are shit.


The Israeli missiles are good, but they have been outclassed by new Russian technology.


Russia really does have functional high tech missiles that are, as of this test, better than anyone else's.


I think that Israeli deep state agents fucked with Raytheon's Tomahawk guidance systems. And they send a double agent to put the same fuckery in Russian missiles, but the Russians outsmarted them. And Russian ingenuity, which built a primitive country up into a fully modern one in 20 years after 1917, and then did it again in 10 years after WWII, has done it a 4rd time, after Yeltsin, and now has the most advanced military weapons in the world. Not just missiles. But they are not hotheads and are careful when and where they use their best stuff.


Israel's deepstate is fucked. Their plan A was scuttled along with Hillary. How their plan B proves to have no legs. They may have a plan C but it can only delay the inevitable.


Now Trump has a relatively free hand to deal with Iran and others in the Middle East. Russia is happy to stop with Syria. It has proved the principle that military force can win in the Middle East when applied intelligently and in conjunction with locals on the ground. It has safeguarded a multiethnic multireligious Middle Eastern state, which happens to kind of mirror what Russia is. A multi-ethnic and multi-religious state. Radical Muslims in Russia have little hope of finding followers with Syria as the example. Putin has shown that Russia's peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians with support for conservative Muslim family values alongside conservative Christian family values is the right way.


Now the future is clear for Israel. Either follow the Russian way, or you will be treated like ISIS. People can have sovereign territory for a nation only when they have the support of all the people. As for the Palestinian minority, what do you think the US Republic will say, having chosen a Republican form of government where minority rights are protected?