Anonymous ID: 478eb2 Sept. 21, 2020, 6:25 p.m. No.10738120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8158 >>8247

Fruit from a Poisonous Tree


Several months prior to the writing of this book, I began questioning my motivation for doing so. I had a comfortable lifestyle with no real bone to pick with anyone, especially the government. I had achieved a comfortable fi nancial position – well educated, fi rmly established in the legal profession and most importantly of all, I had a loving, caring family. What then motivated me to take on both the state and federal governments, the proverbial biggest bullies on the block? The answer is that I had discovered that both the state and federal governments have been lying to and stealing from We the People. Of all criminals, the ones that are personally repugnant to me are liars and thieves. These species of criminal I cannot abide in any manner, from any source, especially the government. Ergo, the years of research uncovering the story you are about to read. The government and the international Global Elite have systematically stolen our wealth and our birthright as Americans. The title of this book, FRUIT FROM A POISONOUS TREE, explains the theft of our wealth and identity, and the book tells what we can do about it. This story is not about high drama, but it has that. It is not a story about insatiable greed; it has that also. This story is about the planned, deliberate destruction of the United States of America by the archenemies of this nation who have been around since its inception – the Global Elite, whose identity you will discover.


xiii During my investigation I became so overwhelmed by the government’s deceit and unabashed arrogance that I went back to the history books trying to identify the point at which our republic swerved onto the destructive path towards democracy – where our creation, the government, servant of the people, became the master and we became the servant – where the nonproductive, who are consumers of the public treasury, elect politicians who promise them even more government benefits at the expense of the majority of productive, wealth-producing Americans. That is the democracy we live in today and our founding fathers’ worst nightmare.This change from a republican form of government to our present democracy was silent and insidious. There are many contributors to this metamorphosis who we might fault, both inside and outside of government, such as teachers, clergy, judges and politicians, but laying blame would solve nothing. Ultimately “We the People” are to blame; we are responsible. We have permitted both state our and federal governments to have control over our children’s education, which has resulted in the dumbing down of generations so that most of us cannot detect the slow perversion of our freedom.Thomas Jefferson cautioned us that “freedom is not free; the price you must pay for freedom is eternal vigilance.”As a people we have for many years been apathetic to the Congress, the President and the Judiciary, so much so that we never noticed the subtle, diminishing changes that were occurring to our freedom, right in plain sight. We have not been vigilant.

Anonymous ID: 478eb2 Sept. 21, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.10738152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8433 >>8575 >>8761 >>8770

NBA Playoffs Sponsored by Chinese-Owned Teen Surveillance App


TikTok promotes controversial American sports league


A Chinese-owned teen surveillance app is sponsoring a controversial American sports league under fire for its friendly ties to the Chinese government and its acquiescence in the face of Muslim genocide.


TikTok, which rose to prominence as a technological juggernaut by answering the question, "What if memes, but in real life?," is a primary sponsor of the NBA playoffs on TNT.


The app, owned by Chinese company ByteDance, has been at the center of geopolitical controversy after President Donald Trump demanded TikTok be sold to a U.S. firm to avoid a nationwide ban. Trump signaled his approval over the weekend for a tentative deal that would make Oracle and Walmart minority stakeholders in a new company, TikTok Global, headquartered in the United States.


Trump and others had expressed concern about the relationship between ByteDance and the Chinese government, particularly with respect to the mountains of personal data collected on the roughly 100 million TikTok users in the United States, many of them sexy teenagers who like to film themselves dancing.


The NBA sponsorship is a natural fit. Like TikTok, the basketball league has been criticized for its own close ties to China amid its ongoing efforts to tap into the profitable Chinese market. While NBA league officials, executives, and players have been outspoken in their criticism of social injustices in the United States, they have been increasingly reluctant to say anything that might anger the Chinese government.


Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey, for example, was swiftly denounced by NBA officials in 2019 for tweeting a message of solidarity with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. LeBron James suggested Morey "was either misinformed or not really educated on the situation." The NBA's Chinese Twitter account issued a Mandarin language statement saying the league was "extremely disappointed in the inappropriate comment."


In July, the NBA was forced to terminate its relationship with a basketball training facility in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, the site of an ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign against Uighur Muslims, more than one million of whom are currently held in government-run concentration camps.