>If you need a handy, hit me up.
Oh hai!
Stay strong, Saxons and honorary Saxons!
>Learn to speed read get smart.
I thought it would make me smart, and perhaps it did, but after reading a few thousand books I mainly learned to avoid details and seek the conflict in information vs the reality of the world in order to find the truth.
when the ships were made of 1's and 0's, the minds were made of Orgone.
So, this isn't necessarily a speed reading aid, but once I started to recognize the syntax of language, sentences and even paragraphs started to take on 'appearance" to me.
Youtube: TheTrevTutor << He offers some great, detailed courses for anyone interested in what this world is all about and how to navigate it, although many will just see "oh math! No thanx!" I think you may find the deeper value in it or even other Anons happening the chance to view this.
I prefer to learn what Jesus learned
I think Jesus would have preferred the same.
Skipping the question of ages, he was said to have spent his first 30 years in study at the School of the Magi. I want that knowledge. After all, isn't it the teachings of Christ to see ourselves as being in the image of God and therefore, a collective God of ourselves? Aren't we all just a reflection of the All?
>muh quantum grammar?
it's crack for those of us that weren't fun at parties.
>words tend to look like puke rainbow to me.
I've been using MatPlotLib to try and map words to images based upon a value system 0-99 and computational logic. I'm struggling with the consistency in imaging between topics. So now I've moved on to machine learning algorithms to see if I can't chart a pattern. Since I've already thought of it, I'm sure it's already been done, but using enough points of information, the stock market could be turned into a personal printing press.
>All Passengers on Epsteinโs Flight Logs to Be Named
Wow, MSM is catching up to Anons from 3+ years ago.
It's past the point of elder-abuse now.
If he were my grandfather, I'd insist they put an end to the theatrics.
>Christianity became Satanism.
One only needs to ask themselves why there are 3 branches of Abrahamic Religions to understand that they were never meant to unify.
I'm often quick to say I don't like Muslims to then be reminded of Muslim people I know and have really appreciated. I can't say the same with the Jews, aside from myself, I guess, but life has taught me there are no absolutes.
If the prophecies are correct and Trump is the "Anti-Christ" it's hard for me to logically see that as a bad thing as Christianity is seen in practice today. Aside from a very small obscure low-funded or unfunded congregations, they're just greedy fucks who think God awards good deeds with money because their Falwell-esk preacher sold out, fucked kids or both and is preaching the sermon that gives homage to Israel as the land of the Holy of Holies.
With that said, I hope the best for the citizens of Israel, I just want them out of my fucking government. Nothing good has come from it and maybe it has something to do with me being the descendant of Revolutionaries who broke away from foreign rule once already, but I'm fucking sick of it!
Good Lord, that is one hell of an accent. Where is that from, North Carolina?
Do they separate themselves from Christianity?
I don't think God has a need for a small country established for the pursuit of kid fucking and blood sucking (literally and figuratively speaking).
>Told him to
Well, I guess we can all go back to business as usual then, since he was told to erase all the evidence.
Can we wonder if he actually did erase it all or is that QAnon Conspiracy bizarre talk?
Why Jews don't insist on separating themselves from Israel is beyond me. Especially since anyone with 10 minutes to spare and an inquiry can see Israel was formed by Hitler himself and stocked with Bolshevik (aka: Nazis) funded by the spoils taken from, in no small part, actual Jews.
Hey there, Clyde!